









introduction the 2013 china outbound tourism development overview ⅰ.china has secured its position as the world’s largest outbound tourism market with the largest amount of outbound tourism expenditure ⅱ.the continuous market expansion is making the demand for outbound tourism commonplace and multifaceted for ordinary people ⅲ.changes in the tourism industry tend to synchronize changes in outbound tourismchapter 1 market structure and consumption characteristics of china outbound tourism in 2013 section ⅰ market structure  1.1 market situation  1.2 market structure section ⅱ overall analysis  2.1 variables of spending patterns  2.2 demographic characteristic of chinese mainland outbound tourists  2.3 factors affecting outbound tourists’ spending decisions  2.4 characteristics of spending decisions  2.5 spending pattern of outbound tourists  2.6 consumption assessment and future spending preference section ⅲ spending characteristics of major destinations  3.1 hong kong sar  3.2 macao sar  3.3 taiwan china  3.4 japan  3.5 usa  3.6 canada  3.7 south africa  3.8 australia section ⅳ analysis of outbound tourist satisfaction  4.1 research background  4.2 the overview of the outbound tourists’ satisfaction …  4.3 the factors influencing outbound tourist satisfaction  4.4 the destination ranking of chinese outbound tourism satisfaction in 2013chapter 2 characteristics of major cities’ outbound tourism development section ⅰ beifing  1.1 market overview  1.2 tourism industry management  1.3 industry operation section ⅱ shanghai  2.1 market overview  2.2 industry operation section ⅲ guangzhou  3.1 market overview  3.2 operation of outbound tourism section ⅳ chengdu  4.1 market overview  4.2 operation of outbound tourism section ⅴ chongqing  5.1 market overview  5.2 operation of outbound tourism section ⅵ a comparison of five typical cities in the outbound market  6.1 demographic characteristics of outbound tourists  6.2 factors influencing consumer decision-making  6.3 spending decision-making characteristics of outbound tourists  6.4 characteristics of outbound tourist spending patternschapter 3 trends and recommendations for china outbound tourism development section ⅰ outbound tourism development environment in 2014  1.1 downside risks to global economy and sluggish tourism consumption growth in the leading advanced economies  1.2 steady domestic economic growth  1.3 constant rmb yuan appreciation  1.4 enforcement of tourism law of the people’s republic of china  1.5 the establishment of china (shanghai) pilot free trade zone and relevant policies section ⅱ outbound tourism trends in 2014  2.1 maintaining a fast growth  2.2 a lasting demand for a portfolio of both sightseeing and other market-specific products  2.3 to develop nation-wide outbound source market  2.4 to promote industrial upgrading section ⅲ recommendations for china outbound tourism in 2014  3.1 to develop a comprehensive policy framework with the structural tax reduction as the keystone  3.2 to fix the diversified needs of tourists and boost service quality  3.3 more emphasis on tourist satisfaction and market researchpostscript our planet is not lonely










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