


  本书的第二版共由十章内容构成。其中主要的内容包括求解线性系统的高斯消去法、经典迭代算法和克雷洛夫子空间算法;高斯消去法的舍入误差分析;线性系统的扰动分析;求解线性 *小二乘问题的正交分解算法;以及求解特征值问题的一些经典算法。本书*后两章介绍了常微分方程、时滞微分方程以及分数阶扩散方程的数值求解中预处理技术的应用的相关研究成果。




prefacechapter 1 introduction  1.1 basic symbols  1.2 basic problems in nla  1.3 why shall we study numerical methods?  1.4 matrix factorizations (decompositions)  1.5 perturbation and error analysis  1.6 operation cost and convergence rate  exerciseschapter 2 gaussian elimination  2.1 triangular linear systems and l u factorization    2.1.1 triangular linear systems    2.1.2 gaussian transform matrix    2.1.3 computation of lu factorization  2.2 lu factorization with pivoting  2.3 cholesky factorization  exerciseschapter 3 perturbation and error analysis  3.1 vector and matrix norms    3.1.1 vector norms    3.1.2 matrix norms  3.2 perturbation analysis for linear systems  3.3 error analysis on floating point arithmetic  3.4 error analysis on partial pivoting  exerciseschapter 4  least squares problems  4.1 least squares problems  4.2 orthogonal transformations    4.2.1 householder transformation    4.2.2 givens rotation  4.3 qr decomposition   exerciseschapter 5 classical iterative methods   5.1 jacobi and gauss-seidel method     5.1.1 jacobi method     5.1.2 gauss-seidel method   5.2 convergence analysis     5.2.1 convergence theorems     5.2.2 sufficient conditions for convergence   5.3 convergence rate   5.4 sor method     5.4.1  iterative form     5.4.2 convergence criteria     5.4.3 optimal w in sor iteration   exerciseschapter 6 krylov subspace methods   6.1 steepest descent method   6.2 conjugate gradient method     6.2.1 conjugate gradient method     6.2.2 basic properties   6.3 practical cg method and convergence analysis     6.3.1 practical cg method     6.3.2 convergence analysis   6.4 preconditioning   6.5 gmres method     6.5.1 basic properties of gmres method     6.5.2 implementation of gmres method  exerciseschapter 7 nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems  7.1 basic properties  7.2 power method  7.3 inverse power method  7.4 qr method  7.5 real version of qr algorithm    7.5.1 upper hessenberg reduction    7.5.2 qr iteration with single shift    7.5.3 qr iteration with double shift  exerciseschapter 8 symmetric eigenvalue problems  8.1 basic spectral properties  8.2 symmetric qr method    8.2.1 tridiagonal qr iteration    8.2.2 implicit symmetric qr iteration    8.2.3  implicit symmetric qr algorithm  8.3 jacobi method    8.3.1 basic idea    8.3.2 classical jacobi method    8.3.3 parallel jacobi method  8.4 bisection method  8.5 divide-and-conquer method    8.5.1  tearing    8.5.2 combining  exerciseschapter 9 applications in odes and ddes  9.1 introduction  9.2 background of bvms    9.2.1 linear multistep formulas    9.2.2 block-bvms and their matrix forms  9.3 strang-type preconditioner for odes    9.3.1 construction of preconditioner    9.3.2 convergence rate and operation cost    9.3.3 numerical result  9.4 strang-type preconditioner for ddes    9.4.1 differential equations with multi-delays    9.4.2 construction of preconditioner    9.4.3 convergence rate    9.4.4 numerical result  9.5 strang-type preconditioner for nddes    9.5.1 neutral delay differential equations    9.5.2 construction of preconditioner    9.5.3 convergence rate    9.5.4 numerical result  9.6 strang-type preconditioner for spddes    9.6.1 singular perturbation delay differential equations    9.6.2 construction of preconditioner    9.6.3 numerical resultchapter 10 applications in fdes  10.1 introduction  10.2  the cn-wsgd scheme    10.2.1 disretization of fdes    10.2.2 matrix form of the cn-wsgd scheme  10.3 sparse banded preconditioner for fdes    10.3.1 construction of preconditioner    10.3.2 preconditioned gmres(p) method    10.3.3 numerical resultbibliographyindex










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