

ContentsPrefaceChapter 1 Clinical Applications of Retinal Optical Coherence1.1 Anatomy of the Eye and Retina 11.1.1 Simple Anatomy of the Eye 11.1.2 Simple Histology of Retina 21.1.3 Normal Macular OCT Image 41.2 Vitreomacular Interface Diseases 51.2.1 Vitreomacular Adhesion 51.2.2 Vitreomacular Traction 61.2.3 Full Thickness Macular Hole (FTMH) 71.2.4 Epiretinal Membrane 81.2.5 Myopic Traction Maculopathy 101.3 Glaucoma and Optic Neuropathy 101.3.1 Parapapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness 111.3.2 Macular Ganglion Cell Thickness 111.3.3 0ptic Nerve Head Morphology 121.4 Retinal Vascular Diseases 141.4.1 Retinal Artery Occlusion 141.4.2 Diabetic Retinopathy 151.4.3 Retinal Vein Occlusion 161.5 0uter Retinal Degenerative Diseases 191.6 Choroidal Neovascularization and Polypoidal ChoroidalChapter 2 Fundamentals of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography 262.1 Introduction 262.2 Developments and Principles of Operation of Optical Coherence2.2.1 Time Domain OCT 272.2.2 Fourier Domain OCT 282.2.3 0ther Evolving OCT Technologies 302.3 Interpretation of the Optical Coherence Tomography Image 32Chapter 3 Speckle Noise Reduction and Enhancement for OCTImages 383.1.2 Speckle Properties 403.2 0CT Image Modeling 413.3 Statistical Model for OCT Contrast Enhancement 473.4 Data Adaptive Transform Models for OCT Denoising 503.4.1 Conventional Dictionary Learning 503.4.2 Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform 513.4.3 Dictionary Learning with Wise Selection of Start Dictionary 523.5 Non Data Adaptive Transform Models for OCT Denoising 563.5.1 Denoising by Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) Estimator .58Chapter 4 Reconstruction of Retinal OCT Images with Sparse4.1 Introduction 754.2 Sparse Representation for Image Reconstruction 774.3 Sparsity Based on Methods for the OCT Image Reconstruction 784.3.1 Multiscale Sparsity Based on Tomographic Denoising (MSBTD) 784.3.2 Sparsity Based on Simultaneous Denoising and Interpolation(SBSDI) 864.3.3 3D Adaptive Sparse Representation Based on Compression4.4 Conclusions 102References 104Chapter 5 Segmentation of OCT Scans Using Probabilistic Graphical5.1 Introduction 1095.2 A Probabilistic Graphical Model for Retina Segmentation 1115.2.1 The Graphical Model 1115.2.2 Variationallnference 1145.3 Results 117Contents v5.3.1 Segmentation Performance 1175.3.2 Pathology Detection 1215.4 Segmenting Pathological Scans 1255.5.1 Conclusion 1275.5.2 Prospective Work 127A Appendix 128A.l Derivation of the Objective (5.16) 128A.2 0ptimization with Respect to qb 132References 134Chapter 6 Diagnostic Capability of Optical Coherence Tomography BasedQuantitative Analysis for Various Eye Diseases andAdditional Factors Affecting Morphological6.1 Introduction 1376.2 0CT Based Retinal Morphological Measurements .1406.2.1 Quantitative Measurements of Retinal Morphology 1406.2.2 Quality, Artifacts, and Errors in Optical Coherence Tomography6.2.3 Effect of Axial Length on Thickness 1446.3 Capability of Optical Coherence Tomography Based QuantitativeAnalysis for Various Eye Diseases 1476.3.1 Diabetic Retinopathy 1486.3.2 Multiple Sclerosis 1506.3.3 Amblyopia 1566.4 Concluding Remarks 163References 165Chapter 7 Quantitative Analysis of Retinal Layers’ OpticallntensitiesBased on Optical Coherence Tomography 1827.1 Introduction 1827.2 Automatic Layer Segmentation in OCT Images 1847.3 The Optical Intensity of Retinal Layers of Normal Subjects 1857.3.1 Data Acquisition 1857.3.2 Statistical Analysis 1857.3.3 Results of Quantitative Analysis of Retinal Layer Optical Intensities ofNormal Subjects 1857.3.4 Discussion 1887.4 Distribution and Determinants of the Opticallntensity of Retinal Layersof Normal Subjects 1887.4.1 Data Acquisition and Image Processing 1897.4.2 Statistical Analysis 1907.4.3 Retinal Optical Intensity Measurement 1907.4.4 Determinants of Retinal Optical Intensity 1947.4.5 Discussion 1957.5 The Opticallntensity Distribution in Central Retinal Artery7.5.1 Central Retinal Artery Occlusion 1957.5.2 Subjects and Data Acquisition 1967.5.3 Image Analysis 1977.5.5 Discussion 200References 203Chapter 8 Segmentation of Optic Disc and Cup to Disc Ratio QuantificationBased on OCT Scans 2078.1 Introduction 2078.2 0ptic Disc Segmentation 2098.2.1 0verview of the Method 2108.2.2 Coarse Disc Margin Location 2118.2.3 SVM Based Patch Searching 2148.3 Evaluation of Optic Disc Segmentation and C/D RatioQuantification 2168.3.1 Evaluation of Optic Disc Segmentation 2168.3.2 Evaluation of C/D Ratio Quantification 219References 222Chapter 9 Choroidal OCT Analytics 22










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