


《实用职场英语》系列教材切实贯彻“以服务为 宗旨,以市场为导向”的高职高专人才培养的总体方 向,传承与创新了社会广泛认可的“实用英语”这一 高职高专英语教学改革成果的品牌,在对于当前职业 教育教学改革和发展趋势整体而科学把握的基础上, 进一步体现了“加强听说,加强表达,加强实用”的 原则,特别加强了听说部分的训练,*加注重实用交 际能力的培养。
  这本实用职场英语编写组编写的《实用职场英语 读写教程(3河南省十二五普通高等教育规划教材)》 为该系列第3册。



unit 1  promoting activities  section 1  trying your hand  section 2  maintaining a sharp eye  passage i creative strategies: prompt consumers to buy, buy, buy  passage ii promotion methods  section 3  appreciating culture tipsunit 2  company profiles  section 1  trying your hand  section 2  maintaining a sharp eye  passage i  developing your company image  passage ii everyone has a chance to win  section 3  appreciating culture tipsunit 3  purchase and payment  section 1  trying your hand  section 2  maintaining a sharp eye  passage i  how safe is your mobile wallet?  passage ii  e-business means opportunities  section 3  appreciating culture tipsunit 4  training across cultures  section 1  trying your hand  section 2  maintaining a sharp eye  passage i  cultural diversity in the workplace  passage ii change, or get left behind  section 3  appreciating culture tipsunit 5  brands and advertisements  section 1  trying your hand  section 2  maintaining a sharp eye  passage i  elsie the cow  passage ii experiential branding  section 3  appreciating culture tipsunit 6  sharingthe loss  section i  trying your hand  section 2  maintaining a sharp eye  passage i  sharing economic losses through insurance  passage ii be careful with your policy  section 3  appreciating culture tipsunit 7  busyagenda and schedule  section 1  trying your hand  section 2  maintaining a sharp eye  passage i  a survey report on owner-managers in the uk  passage ii tales from the american taipan  section 3  appreciating culture tipsunit 8  thinking global, acting local  section 1  trying your hand  section 2  maintaining a sharp eye  passage i  real wto challenges for china  passage ii a new energy age — fueling the future  section 3  appreciating culture tipsvocabularyphrases and expressions










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