


  《新编实用英语 学学·练练·考考4(第4版)》是教育部新世纪高等教育教学改革工程项目(编号为III26-1)之“高职高专教育英语课程教学内容体系改革建设的研究与实践”项目的重要研究成果之一,曾获2005年教学成果二等奖。该套教材切实贯彻“以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向”的高职教育人才培养总方针,自2002年出版以来,收到使用院校的普遍欢迎,成为高职高专公共英语教材中的领军品牌,其发行量多年来雄踞同类教材之首。十多年的教学实践证明,该套教材得到广大师生的普遍认可。



Unit 1 English Studies and TestsSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ TryingYour HandSection Ⅳ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 A Nude at the Party?Passage 2 Whose English is it, Anyway?Section Ⅴ Having Some FunUnit 2 Art of NegotiationsSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ TryingYour HandSection Ⅳ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 Suggested Salary Negotiation Guidelines for Recent College GraduatesPassage 2 Dollars and SenseSection Ⅴ Having Some FunUnit 3 DNA and CloningSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ Trying Your HandSection Ⅳ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 Genetically Engineered Foods: Uh-Oh!!Passage 2 To Clone or Not to Clone?Section Ⅴ Having Some FunUnit 4 The IT AgeSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ TryingYour HandSection Ⅳ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 The Internet Changed My LifePassage 2 Ben Cell PhonesSection Ⅴ Having Some FunUnit 5 Studying OverseasSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ TryingYour HandSection Ⅳ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 Are You Prepared for Learning Shock?Passage 2 Climate & Clothing in the U.K.Section Ⅴ Having Some FunUnit 6 Art in EngineeringSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ Trying Your HandSection Ⅳ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 Attacks on the World Trade Centre: An Engineering PerspectivePassage 2 Ellen Ochoa and Jennifer Matozco: Two Great Female EngineersSection Ⅴ Having Some FunUnit 7 EnvironmentSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ TryingYour HandSection Ⅳ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 Pesticides: Poisoning Our Food and Our FarmersPassage 2 How Our Food Choices Can Help Save the EnvironmentSection Ⅴ Having Some FunUnit 8 Cultural Differences and Business ManagementSection Ⅰ Talking Face to FaceSection Ⅱ Being All EarsSection Ⅲ Trying Your HandSection Ⅳ Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 Attacking AnxietyPassage 2 How to Spell SuccessSection Ⅴ Having Some FunSelf-AssessmentKey & TranslationVocabulary & Phrases










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