





第2版前言第1版前言chapter one the fundamental of computers  1.1 computers types  1.2 the year 2038 problem  reading material 1.1 history of electronic digital computers  reading material 1.2 quantum computer  exerciseschapter two computer architecture  2.1 computer motherboard  2.2 memory hierarchy in cache.based systems  reading material 2.1 multi.core (computing)  reading material 2.2 cphash: a cache.partitioned hash table  exerciseschapter three data structure  3.1 balanced tree data structures  3.2 quicksort  reading material 3.1 linked list  reading material 3.2 managed data: modular strategies for data abstraction  exerciseschapter fouro perating system  4.1 operating system structure  4.2 free.space management  reading material 4.1 linux  reading material 4.2 what are the differences between ios and android?  exerciseschapter five programming languages  5.1 history of programming languages  5.2 object.oriented programming  reading material 5.1 introduction to the c# language and the net framework  reading material 5.2 pair programming  exerciseschapter six database systems  6.1 introduction to database systems  6.2 distributed database  reading material 6.1 from databases to dataspaces  reading material 6.2 oracle database  exerciseschapter seven computer network  7.1 smarter cities are built on the internet of things  7.2 sliding window protocols  reading material 7.1 ipv6  reading material 7.2 wifi.nano: reclaiming wifi efficiency through 800 ns slots  exerciseschapter eight internet  8.1 tcp/ip  8.2 introduction of ipv6  reading material 8.1 a basic guide to the internet  reading material 8.2 what is web 2.0  exerciseschapter nine geographic information system  9.1 gis introduction  9.2 gis data  reading material 9.1 application of gis techniques in hong kongs population census  reading material 9.2 demystifying the persistent ambiguity of gis as “tool versus “science”  exerciseschapter ten information security  10.1 security and precaution on computer network  10.2 computer virus  reading material 10.1 a national cyberspace security response system  reading material 10.2 how to implement trusted computing  exerciseschapter eleven information security technologies  11.1 introducing firewalls to ipv6  11.2 an introduction to information security  reading material 11.1 intrusion detection systems and intrusion response mechanism  reading material 11.2 internet security architecture  exerciseschapter twelve digital image processing  12.1 a basic introduction to image processing  12.2 an evaluation of popular copy.move forgery detection approaches (part i)  reading material 12.1 an evaluation of popular copy.move forgery detection approaches (part ii)  reading material 12.2 an overview of jpeg.2 000  exerciseschapter thirteen management information system  13.1 data warehouse  13.2 challenges of big data for development  reading material 13.1 the opportunity of big data for development  reading material 13.2 steps involved in building a data warehouse  exerciseschapter fourteen e.commerce  14.1 electronic commerce  14.2 e.commerce and its impact in logistic management: a state of art  reading material 14.1 seven practical trends in b2b marketing  reading material 14.2 chinas e.commerce service industry  exerciseschapter fifteen the future of information technology  15.1 location.based social networks: users  15.2 native xml databases  reading material 15.1 3g technology  reading material 15.2 microsoft azure for research overview  exercisesreferences










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