





序reface to fifth edition/第5版前言 xiiihapter ?1 engineering design/工程设计 11.1 introduction/引言 11.2 engineering design process/工程设计过程 31.3 ways to think about the engineering design process/工程 设计过程的思路 61.4 description of design process/设计过程描述 141.5 considerations of a good design/优秀设计的考虑因素 171.6 computer-aided engineering/计算机辅助工程 221.7 designing to codes and standards/遵守规范与标准的设计 241.8 design review/设计评审 261.9 societal considerations in engineering design/工程设计 应考虑的社会因素 281.10 summary/本章小结 32new terms and concepts/新术语和概念 33bibliography/参考文献 33problems and exercises/问题与练习 33hapter ?2 product development process/产品开发过程 362.1 introduction/引言 362.2 product development process/产品开发过程 362.3 product and process cycles/产品与工艺周期 442.4 organization for design and product development/设计与产品 开发组织 482.5 markets and marketing/市场与营销 552.6 technological innovation/技术创新 612.7 summary/本章小结 66new terms and concepts/新术语和概念 67bibliography/参考文献 67problems and exercises/问题与练习 67hapter ?3 problem definition and need identification/问题定义和 需求识别 703.1 introduction/引言 703.2 identifying customer needs/识别客户需要 723.3 customer requirements/客户需求 803.4 gathering information on existing products/收集现有产品 信息 863.5 establishing the engineering characteristics/建立工程特性 943.6 quality function deployment/质量功能配置 993.7 product design specification/产品设计说明书 1113.8 summary/本章小结 113new terms and concepts/新术语和概念 115bibliography/参考文献 115problems and exercises/问题与练习 116hapter ?4 team behavior and tools/团队行为和工具 1184.1 introduction/引言 1184.2 what it means to be an effective team member/何谓有效团队 成员 1194.3 team leadership roles/团队的领导角色 1204.4 team dynamics/团队动力学 1214.5 effective team meetings/有效的团队会议 1234.6 problem-solving tools/解决问题的工具 1254.7 time management/时间管理 1444.8 planning and scheduling/规划和进度安排 1464.9 summary/本章小结 154new terms and concepts/新术语和概念 154bibliography/参考文献 155problems and exercises/问题与练习 155hapter ?5 gathering information/信息收集 1585.1 the information challenge/信息的挑战 1585.2 types of design information/设计信息的分类 1605.3 sources of design information/设计信息源 1615.4 summary/本章小结 164new terms and concepts/新术语和概念 164bibliography/参考文献 164problems and exercises/问题与练习 164hapter ?6 concept generation/概念生成 1666.1 introduction to creative thinking/创造性思维的介绍 1676.2 creativity and problem solving/创造性和问题求解 1716.3 creative thinking methods/创造性思维方法 1776.4 creative methods for design/设计的创造性方法 1876.5 functional decomposition and synthesis/功能分解与综合 1916.6 morphological methods/形态学方法 2016.7 triz: the theory of inventive problem solving/triz:发明 问题解决理论 2046.8 summary/本章小结 215new terms and concepts/新术语和概念 216bibliography/参考文献 217problems and exercises/问题与练习 217hapter ?7 decision making and concept selection/决策确定和 概念选择 2197.1 introduction/引言 2197.2 decision making/决策 2207.3 evaluation processes/评价过程 2327.4 using models in evaluation/评价模型 2377.5 pugh chart/pugh表 2547.6 weighted decision matrix/加权决策矩阵 2587.7 analytic hierarchy process (ahp)/层次分析法 (ahp) 2617.8 summary/本章小结 269new terms and concepts/新术语和概念 270bibliography/参考文献 270problems and exercises/问题与练习 270hapter ?8 embodiment design/实体设计 2748.1 introduction/引言 2748.2 product architecture/产品架构 2778.3 steps in developing product architecture/构建产品架构的 步骤 2818.4 configuration design/配置设计 2868.5 best practices for configuration design/配置设计的 **实践 2938.6 parametric design/参数设计 3038.7 dimensions and tolerances/尺寸公差 3158.8 industrial design/工业设计 3338.9 human factors design/人因工程设计 3368.10 life-cycle design/全生命周期设计 3438.11 prototyping and testing/原型和测试 3448.12 design for x (dfx)/面向x的设计(dfx) 3548.13 summary/本章小结 356new terms and concepts/新术语和概念 357bibliography/参考文献 357……










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