


     《这就是中国共产党(英文版)》 aims to further such
exchanges,and li junru hope it will help more people to have a
better and more comprehensive understanding of china and the cpc。
it is divided into seven parts:”people”
“thoughts””values””organization”operating mechanism of the
cpc;”state system”and ” road of peaceful develop—ment”to avoid
repetition l some of the articles have been condensed,although
there may still be some overlap。




     《这就是中国共产党(英文版)》’s writer is li junru。
《这就是中国共产党(英文版)》 cannot cover all as— pects of the cpc,it awe the
questio people are primarily interested in,and is a contribution to
a better undetanding of socialism with chinese characteristics,and
the cpc’s operating mechanism and style of governance。







chapterl people the cpc is an assembly of elites in chinese society how does the cpc enrou its membe?mao zedong was a nationl hero the cpc is a group of patriotschapter2 thoughts undetanding socialism with chinese characteristics why did we choose sodausm with chinese characteristics?sociausm with chinese characteristics is by no mea capitalism withchinese characteristics on the sinicization of marxism the sinicization of marxism and patriotismchapter 3 values the science-and value-oriented puuits of socialism with chin ese characteristics the fine trad~io of the cpc giving priority to popular support,democracy and people’slivelihood china’s cultural changes and human rights progresschapter4 0rganjzation how is the cpc organized? operation of the cpc’s organizatio the cpc’s relatio with state power orgachapter 5 operating mechanism of the cpc the secret ofthe cpc’s success scientific and democratic decision making how are cadres selected in china?chapter 6 state system the“five starredflag” chinese characteristics howtoviewchinats poutical reform two ways to realize chinese democracy chapter 7 road of peaceful development the past,present,and future of china’s road on peaceful development and peaceful rise how can china’s road of peaceful development be undetood? relatiohip between peaceful development and renaissance ofcivilization china’s peaceful development and negotiatory security mechanism ineast asia tranational corporatio in china:end point or turning point china u.s. relatio entering a new period ofdevelopment the new trend in the modern world:global governance




作者:李君如 著






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