


  《中流击水:经济全球化大潮与中国之命运(英)》:  1. Changes in the underlying trends of the times as the foundation and premise of my thoughts  Those familiar with Chinese politics know that the CPC is China’s core leadership in reform and development, According to the Constitution of the CPC, the Party agencies of highest authority are the National. Congress and the Central Committee (members of the latter being selected by the former). Thus, every time a National Congress or Central Committee convenes, decisions must be made on reform and development. Furthermore, we know that in China, a great amount of the Of etical research (especially on policy) usually occurs around the time that the National Congress and Central Committee convene. Here, I relate how my thoughts on econo.mic globalization and the peaceful rise of China have evolved on a timeline centered on National Congresses.  We must begin with the time period between Octobef of 1987 (13th CPC National Congress) and October of 1992 (14th CPC National Congress). At that time, I was working at the then China Center for International Affairs under the State Council and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. BefOfe that, I had worked at the Reseafch Office of Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee. The first time I came across the issue at hand was in April of 1988, and I spoke on it at an international forum: “The world has embarked upon a period of massive transition symbolized by a wave of reform and adjustment on the global scale.” The reason for this is that multipolarity had begun to emerge globally and could not be stopped, and the ovefall structure of the world as established after World War II would be difficult to maintain. Pressed by a series of major imbalances in the global economy, the social systems and  economic structures of various countries would also be difficult to main tain. The revolution of new technology was only beginrung to unfold,  and it was posing nations greater challenges than they had ever faced.  Thus, I believed that this would “bring about yet another great transition to the overall structure of world strategies that were established after WOfld War II, and such transition is to be related to the future of the  world and every nation during the 21st century.” Furthermore, I believed  contemporary China was also experiencing a huge, unprecedented soaal  transition. Later, I stated in an essay entitled “Massive Transformation,  Becoming Reacquainted:’ “China, a nation of one billion people that has fallen behind economically and cultrually, must achieve national rejuvenation while carrying out modernization and comprehensive reform in the face of developments taking place at the end of the 20th centruy andthe first part of the 21st century. Ttus is a social transition based on socialism that China has never seen before.”2 I also proposed this: “As for speaking of the times, Deng Xiaoping once pointedly stated that peace and development are two great themes for the world of today. He also  stated that the global ‘East-West issue’ is one of peace, and the ‘NorthSouth issue’ is one of development. This is extremely important for us in scientifically understanding these times.”3 In fact, for all aspects of the wave of reform and adjustment on the global scale mentioned above, the basic premise lies in the fact that the theme of the times, as Deng pointed out, has akeady transitioned into one of peace and development. This could be said to have been the starting point of the next 30 years of my research work.  ……











Foreword1. Symposium on Philosophy and Social Sciences ii2. Building up philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics with a focus on the questions of “where from and “where to vi3. Pride in the peaceful rise of ChinaChapter 1 The Issues and How My Thoughts Have Evolved1. Changes in the underlying trends of the times as the foundation and premise of my thoughts2. My proposal after Party congress: unprecedented path of peaceful rise for China3. Nineteen strategic issues regarding dangers and challenges to China’s rise4. Expanding the influence of the path of China’s peaceful rise5. The inclusion of the path of China’s peaceful development in the Report to the 17th CPC National Congress and China’s ConstitutionChapter 2 Four Hundred Years of Economic Globalization and the Fate of China1. The first round of economic globalization and China’s “Sunset Glory2. Two historical pursuits and three turning points of modern ChinaChapter 3 A Whole New Strategic Path of Peaceful Rise in China’s Reform and Opening Up1. The rise and the historical features of the third round of economic globalization2. China’s strategic decision and great awakening3. “Peaceful – an answer to “the China threat, and “rise – countering “the coming collapse of China4. “Duality all the way – a tortuous journey……Chapter 4 Duality of the Third Round of Economic GlobalizationChapter 5 “Global Community of Shared Future” Based on “Common Interests” and “Community of Shared Intetests- and the Intefnational Relations Theory of the New EraChapter 6 A New Round of Economic Globalization and New Prospects of China’s Peaceful RiseConcluding Words: Twenty-five Points of Deliberation




作者:郑必坚 著;(美)如玉(Jade Hun






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