





1 introduction to wireless communication systems1.1 evolution of mobile radio communications1.2 mobile radiotelephony in the u.s.1.3 mobile radio systems around the world1.4 examples of wireless communication systems1.4.1 paging systems1.4.2 cordless telephone systems1.4.3 cellular telephone systems1.4.3.1 how a cellular telephone call is made1.4.4 comparison of common wireless communication systems1.5 trends in cellular radio and personal communications1.6 problems2 modern wireless communication systems2.1 second generation (2g) cellular networks2.1.1 evolution to 2.5g wireless networks2.1.2 evolution for 2.5g tdma standards2.1.2.1  hscsd for 2.5g gsm2.1.2.2 gprs for 2.5g gsm and is-1362.1.2.3 edge for 2.5g gsm and is-1362.1.3 is-95b for 2.5g cdma2.2 third generation (3g) wireless networks2.2.1 3g w-cdma (umts)2.2.2 3g cdma20002.2.3 3g td-scdma2.3 wireless local loop (wll) and lmds2.4 wireless local area networks (wlans)2.5 bluetooth and personal area networks (pans)2.6 summary2.7 problems3 the cellular concept-system design fundamentals3.1 introduction3.2 frequency reuse3.3 channel assignment strategies3.4 handoffstrategies3.4.1 prioritizing handoffs3.4.2 practical handoffconsiderations3.5 interference and system capacity3.5.1 co-channel interference and system capacity3.5.2 channel planning for wireless systems3.5.3 adjacent channel interference3.5.4 power control for reducing interference3.6 trunking and grade of service3.7 improving coverage & capacity in cellular systems3.7.1 cell splitting3.7.2 sectoring3.7.3 repeaters for range extension3.7.4 a microcell zone concept3.8 summary3.9 problems4 mobile radio propagation: large-scale path loss4.1  introduction to radio wave propagation4.2 free space propagation model4.3 relating power to electric field4.4 the three basic propagation mechanisms4.5 reflection4.5.1 reflection from dielectrics4.5.2 brewster angle4.5.3 reflection from perfect conductors4.6 ground reflection (two-ray)model4.7 diffraction4.7.1 fresnel zone geometry4.7.2 knife-edge diffraction model4.7.3 multiple knife:edge diffraction4.8 scattering4.8.1  radar cross section model……5 mobile radio propagation: small-scale fading andmultipatipath6 modulation techniques for mobile radio7 equalization, diversity, and channel coding8 speech coding9 multiple access techiques for wireless communications10 wireless networking11 wireless systems and standeadsappendicesindex










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