


the golden treasury

of poetry is a popular anthology of english poetry, originally selected for

publication by francis turner palgrave in 1861. it was considerably revised,

with input from tennyson, about three decades later. palgrave excluded all

poems by poets then still alive.

the book continues

to be published in regular new editions; still under palgrave’s name. these reproduce

palgrave’s selections and notes, but usually include a supplement of more

recent poems. christopher ricks in 1991 produced a scholarly edition of the

original treasury, along with an account of its evolution from 1861 to 1891,

with inclusions and exclusions.




《英诗金典:the golden treasury of poetry》,由英国十九世纪浪漫派诗人弗朗西斯·特纳·帕尔格雷夫汇编而成,其按年代将《英诗金典:the golden treasury of poetry》全书分为四部分:1616年以前的90年、1616年至1700年、1700年至1800年,以及1800至1850年,选入了这期间“英语语言中优秀的民谣和抒情诗”,并将之称为莎士比亚卷、弥尔顿卷、格雷卷和华兹华斯卷。

《英诗金典:the golden treasury of poetry》本书为英文原版,同时提供配套英文朗读免费下载(下载地址见图书封底),让读者在阅读优美诗歌的同时,亦能提升英文阅读水平。 




《英诗金典:THE GOLDEN TREASURY OF POETRY》 作者:弗朗西斯·特纳·帕尔格雷夫,英国诗人、批评家。1861年,他编辑出版了《英诗金典:THE GOLDEN

TREASURY OF POETRY》,之后这部选集被多次再版。帕尔格雷夫毕业于牛津大学,1885-1895年任该校诗歌学教授。



first book01 spring02 summons to love03 time and love04 since bras05 the passionate shepherd to his love06 a madrigal07 under the greenwood tree08 it was a lover and his lass 09 present in absence10 absence11 how like a winter hath my absence been12 a consolation13 the unchangeable14 to me , fair friend , you never can beold15 diaphenia16 rosaline17 colin18 to his love19 when in the chronicle of wasted time20 love’s perjuries21 a supplication22 to aurora23 true love24 a ditty25 love’s omnipresence26 carpe diem27 winter28 that time of year thou may’st in mebehold29 remembrance30 revolutions31 fare wel ! thou art to dear for myposesing32 the life without passion33 the lover’s appeal34 the nightingale35 care -charmer slep 36 madrigal37 love’s farewell38 to his lute39 blind love40 the unfaithful shepherdess41 a renunciation42 blow, blow, thou winter wind43 madrigal44 dirge of love45 fidele46 a sea dirge47 a land dirge48 post mortem49 the triumph of death50 madrigal51 cupid and campaspe52 pack, clouds , away, and welcome day53 prothalamion54 the happy heart55 this life, whi ch sems so fair56 soul and body57 life58 the lessons of nature59 doth then the world go thus60 the world’s way……………………










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