


阅读理解110篇及疑难长句注解与译文和题解 **部分**节阅读理解110篇及疑难长句注解与译文一、经济〖1〗1
Shares of Apple and some of its suppliers were sagging on Tuesday after President Donald Trump said he might include iPhones and other high?volume consumer electronics products in the potential next wave of tariffs on imports from China?The president?s remarks added to anxiety about Apple?s growth prospects and demand for its smartphones,but what he said should not be shocking?At the same time,even a minor dose of tariff pain carries more significance for Apple than it would have a couple of years ago?
Remember that the president?s rattling against China has included a threat to impose tariffs on all $500 billion worth of goods the U?S?imports from China,and“all”would seem to include cellphones and computers,which are the top two categories of U?S?imports from China based on value of goods?
The Wall Street Journal,which conducted the interview with the president,said some Trump aides had suggested iPhones and laptops might be excluded from additional tariffs?Manufacturers of cars,washing machines and clothing would have good reason to be furious at the White House and Apple if the iPhone maker managed to avoid tariffs while they did not?
Exempting some companies from tariffs and not others isn?t unprecedented,of course?The administration this summer removed hundreds of items from the list of imported goods subject to tariffs after lobbying from U?S?companies?If Apple does get hit with tariffs,the impact may not be profound?People who pay $1?000 or more for an iPhone when cheaper options are available are not making purchasing decisions on price alone?Some estimates have suggested a 10 percent tariff on iPhones imported into the U?S?would amount to about $40 a phone?That?s not nothing,but it could be absorbed by Apple?
It?s surprising how little Apple has said publicly about the possible impact from the tariff battle with China,where the vast majority of its products are assembled for shipment to the rest of the world?CEO Tim Cook has said he has told U?S?officials that tariffs hurt people and economic growth by raising prices on goods?He has also said that he thinks the U?S?and China will reach an amicable trade agreement?To nudge his preferred outcome,Cook has also played diplomat personally in lobbying U?S?and Chinese officials to reach a trade resolution?In securities filings,Apple has said that“international trade disputes could result in tariffs and other protectionist measures that could adversely affect”its business? 1. Compared with a few years ago,additional tariffs may now affect Apple ?[A]more seriously[B]less significantly[C]more specifically[D]less obviously
2. The word“rattling”(Para?2)probably means ?[A]challenge[B]remark[C]battle[D]hostility
3. Favoring one company over another in tariff ?[A]is an impossible decision to make[B]violates international trade agreements[C]is not an unusual practice in the U?S?[D]is a politically manipulated trick
4. Additional tariffs on iPhones will ?[A]result in a disastrous decline in sales volume[B]hardly prevent customers from purchasing them[C]lead to a significant reduction in annual profits[D]force Apple to reconsider its business with China
5. What is Apple?s attitude to trade war with China?[A]Critical?[B]Supportive?[C]Indifferent?[D]Apprehensive?1. potential /p?u?ten?l/ a?潜在的,可能的2. tariff /?t?rif/ n?关税3. remark /ri?m??k/ n?评论,言辞4. prospect /?pr?spekt/ n?前景,景色5. dose /d?us/ n?剂量6. cellphone /?self?un/ n?手机7. category /?k?ti??ri/ n?种类;范畴8. interview /?int?vju?/ n?采访;会谈9. aide /eid/ n?助手,副手10. laptop /?l?pt?p/ n?便携式电脑11. manufacturer /?m?nju?f?kt??r?/ n?制造商12. furious /?fju?ri?s/ a?狂怒的13. exempt /i??zempt/ vt?豁免,免除14. unprecedented /?n?presid?ntid/ a?史无前例的15. administration /?d?minis?trei??n/ n?管理;实行;政府16. item /?ait?m/ n?项,项目17. subject /?s?bd?ikt/ a?易受……影响的18. lobby /?l?bi/ vt?游说(以便阻止或促成某事)19. profound /pr??faund/ a?深的,深远的20. option /??p??n/ n?选择21. purchase /?p??t??s/ vt?购买22. amount to 总量达到;等同于23. absorb /?b?s??b/ vt?吸收,吸引;承受24. assemble /??sembl/ vt?收集;集合,组装25. shipment /??ipm?nt/ n?装船;运输26. amicable /??mik?bl/ a?亲切的,友善的27. agreement /???ri?m?nt/ n?一致,同意;协议28. diplomat /?dipl?m?t/ n?外交家,外交官29. resolution /?rez??lju???n/ n?决议;解决方案;决心30. securities /si?kju?ritiz/ n?证券31. filing /?faili?/ n?存档文件32. dispute /dis?pju?t/ n?争论;争端33. result in 导致,产生……结果34. protectionist /pr??tek??nist/ a?贸易保护主义(者)的35. adversely /??dv??sli/ ad?方向相反地;不利地1. sag 下垂,低落;下降2. rattling 喋喋不休地说话1. Shares of Apple???from China?(**段)在主句中,suppliers指苹果公司产品供应商,sag描述人时指情绪低落,描述股票时指股票下跌。在after引导的状语从句中,high?volume指销量大,wave of tariffs on imports from China指美国对进口自中国的产品进行惩罚性加税,比如关税从10%提高到20%。2. The administration this summer???companies?(第四段)本句中,the administration指特朗普政府(Trump administration);item指一组东西中的一个项目,这里指拟增税产品清单中的一种产品;subject to tariffs是形容词引导的短语,作定语修饰goods,指受(提高)关税影响的产品;介词短语after lobbying from U?S?companies作状语修饰谓语removed,其中lobby指到政府相关部门游说。3. To nudge his preferred???resolution?(第五段)本句中,nudge这里指促成某事,his preferred outcome指上一句说的“达成一个友好的贸易协议”,play diplomat指“扮演外交家(的角色)”,resolution指解决方案。苹果公司的股票和它的一些供应商周二都感觉萎靡不振,这天,唐纳德??特朗普总统说,他可能把iPhone和其他高销量电子产品也纳入潜在的下一波从中国进口产品的关税名单。总统的话加剧了对苹果公司发展前景以及对其智能手机需求的担忧,但是他说的话不应该引起震惊。同时,与几年前相比,即使少量的关税负担也对苹果公司更有意义。
曾记得,总统对中国的指责包括威胁要对从中国进口到美国价值5 000亿美元的全部产品强加关税。这里所说的“全部”似乎包括手机和计算机,从货物价值来看,这是美国从中国进口的*大两类产品。
从关税名单上排除某些公司而不是其他公司当然不是前所未有的事情。经过某些美国公司游说以后,特朗普政府今年夏季把几百种货物从强征关税名单中排除。如果苹果公司产品也被强征关税,其影响可能不会太大。那些虽然有更便宜的选择但仍花1 000美元或更多买iPhone的人做出购买决定时考虑的不仅仅是价格。一些人估算,给进口到美国的iPhone增加10%的关税等于给每部手机提价约40美元。这虽然也不少,但是苹果公司能消化这一成本。
奇怪的是,苹果公司很少公开谈论跟中国的关税战对它可能产生的影响,其产品绝大多数在中国组装然后运送至世界各地。总裁Tim Cook曾说,他已经告诉美国官员,关税会抬高物价,对人和经济增长造成伤害。他还说,他认为美中将达成一个友好的贸易协议。为了促成他想要的结果,Cook亲自担当外交官,游说美中官员达成一个贸易方案。在一些证券文件中,苹果公司说,“国际贸易争端可能导致关税和其他保护主义措施,这不利于”其业务发展。




本书分为五部分:*部分精选100篇涵盖考研常涉及的一些题材的文章,供考生精读文章使用,并利用精读串起对阅读、翻译、完形填空和写作的全面复习。第二部分是阅读理解Part B部分,包括了大纲要求的三个备选题型,四个样题。第三部分的10套模拟试题主要供学生泛读用。第四部分是3套自测题与题解。第五部分详细分析了历年考题阅读理解部分的特点,讲解和剖析和解题思路,训练考生阅读理解的应试技能、帮助考生把握答题所需的重要信息,培养考生根据上下文理解句子和词义的能力。




本书分为五部分: **部分精选100篇涵盖考研常涉及的一些题材的文章, 供考生精读文章使用, 并利用精读串起对阅读、翻译、完形填空和写作的全面复习。第二部分是阅读理解Part B部分, 包括了大纲要求的三个备选题型, 四个样题。第三部分的10套模拟试题主要供学生泛读用。第四部分是3套自测题与题解。第五部分详细分析了历年考题阅读理解部分的特点, 讲解和剖析和解题思路, 训练考生阅读理解的应试技能、帮助考生把握答题所需的重要信息, 培养考生根据上下文理解句子和词义的能力。



**节阅读理解110篇及疑难长句注解与译文一、 经济二、 教育三、 社会与心理四、 网络与计算机五、 医学与健康六、 法律与道德七、 信息与传媒八、 科学与技术九、 能源与环保十、 政府与政治十一、 语言与文化十二、 其他:历史、人口学、传记、文学艺术第二节阅读理解110篇题解一、 经济二、 教育三、 社会与心理四、 网络与计算机五、 医学与健康六、 法律与道德七、 信息与传媒八、 科学与技术九、 能源与环保十、 政府与政治十一、 语言与文化十二、 其他:历史、人口学、传记、文学艺术第二部分阅读理解Part B选择搭配模拟试题及题解与译文**节备选题型一(Sample One)一、 解题思路概述二、 模拟试题三、 模拟试题题解与译文第二节备选题型二(Sample Two)一、 解题思路概述二、 模拟试题三、 模拟试题题解与译文第三节备选题型三 (Sample Three) 一、 解题思路概述二、 模拟试题三、 模拟试题题解与译文第四节备选题型三 (Sample Four)一、 解题思路概述二、 模拟试题三、 模拟试题题解与译文第三部分阅读理解Part C英译汉模拟试题及译文与题解**节解题思路概述一、 命题特点分析二、 答题与备考思路第二节模拟试题、译文与题解第四部分阅读应试技能指导**节给考生的建议第二节文章的阅读一、 什么是正确的阅读方法二、 把握文章的重要信息三、 文章类型四、 阅读中注意运用已有的知识五、 对文章中的举例与引用的理解第三节猜测词义第四节解题思路训练结束语










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