





1 Introduction 1.1 The Role of Operating Systems 1.1.1 Bridging the Hardware/Application Gap 1.1.2 Three Views of Operating Systems 1.2 Organization of Operating Systems 1.2.1 Structural Organization 1.2.2 The Hardware Interface 1.2.3 The Programming Interface 1.2.4 The User Interface 1.2.5 Runtime Organization 1.3 Operating System Evolution and Concepts 1.3.1 Early Systems 1.3.2 Batch Operating Systems 1.3.3 Multiprogramming Systems 1.3.4 Interactive Operating Systems 1.3.5 Personal Computer and Workstation Operating Systems 1.3.6 Real-Time Operating Systems 1.3.7 Distributed Operating Systems Part One Process Management and Coordination 2 Basic Concepts:Processes and Their Interactions 2.1 The Process Notion 2.2 Defining and Instantiating Processes 2.2.1 Precedence Relations Among Processes 2.2.2 Implicit Process Creation 2.2.3 Explicit Process Creation with fork and join 2.2.4 Process Declarations and Classes 2.3 Basic Process Interactions 2.3.1 Competition:The Critical Section Problem 2.3.2 Cooperation 2.4 Semaphores 2.4.1 Semaphore Operations and Data 2.4.2 Mutual Exclusion with Semaphores 2.4.3 Semaphores in Producer/Consumer Situations 2.5 Event Synchronization 3 Higher-Level Synchronization and Communication 3.1 Shared Memory Methods 3.1.1 Monitors 3.1.2 Protected Types 3.2 Distributed Synchronization and Communication 3.2.1 Message-Based Communication 3.2.2 Procedure-Based Communication 3.2.3 Distributed Mutual Exclusion 3.3 Other Classic Synchronization Problems 3.3.1 The Readers/Writers Problem 3.3.2 The Dining Philosophers Problem 3.3.3 The Elevator Algorithm 3.3.4 Event Ordering with Logical Clocks 4 The Operating System Kernel:Implementing Processes and Threads 4.1 Kernel Definitions and Objects 4.2 Queue Structures 4.2.1 Resource Queues in an Operating System 4.2.2 Implementations of Queues 4.3 Threads 4.4 Implementing Processes and Threads 4.4.1 Process and Thread Descriptors 4.4.2 Implementing Operations on Processes 4.4.3 Operations on Threads 4.5 Implementing Synchronization and Communication Mechanisms 4.5.1 Semaphores and Locks 4.5.2 Monitor Primitives 4.5.3 Clock and Time Management 4.5.4 Communication Primitives 4.6 Interrupt Handling 5 Process and Thread Scheduling 5.1 Organizating of Schedulers 5.1.1 Embedded and Autonomous Schedulers 5.1.2 Priority Scheduling 5.2 Scheduling Methods 5.2.1 A Framework for Scheduling 5.2.2 Common Scheduling Algorithms 5.2.3 Comparison of Methods 5.3 Priority Inversion 5.4 Multiprocessor and Distributed Scheduling 6 Deadlocks 6.1 Deadlock with Reusable and Consumable Resources 6.1.1 Reusable and Consumable Resources 6.1.2 Deadlocks in Computer Systems 6.2 Approaches to the Deadlock Problem 6.3 A System Model 6.3.1 Resource Graphs 6.3.2 State Transitions 6.3.3 Deadlock States and Safe States 6.4 Deadlock Detection 6.4.1 Reduction of Resource Graphs 6.4.2 Special Cases of Deadlock Detection 6.4.3 Deadlock Detection in Distributed Systems 6.5 Recovery from Deadlock 6.5.1 Process Termination 6.5.2 Resource Preemption 6.6 Dynamic Deadlock Avoidance 6.6.1 Claim Graphs 6.6.2 The Banker’s Algorithm 6.7 Deadlock Prevention 6.7.1 Eliminating the Mutual-Exclusio




作者:Lubomir F.Bic,Alan C.Shaw






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