





1 The Electromagnetic Model 1-1 Introduction 1-2 The Electromagnetic Model 1-3 SI Units and Universal Constants Review Questions 2 Vector Analysis 2-1 Introduction 2-2 Vector Addition and Subtraction 2-3 Products of Vectors 2-3.1 Scalar or Dot Product 2-3.2 Vector or Cross Product 2-3.3 Product of Three Vectors 2-4 Orthogonal Coordinate Systems 2-4.1 Cartesian Coordinates 2-4.2 Cylindrical Coordinates 2-4.3 Spherical Coordinates 2-5 Integrals Containing Vector Functions 2-6 Gradient of a Scalar Field 2-7 Divergence of a Vector Field 2-8 Divergence Theorem 2-9 Curl of a Vector Field 2-10 Stokes’s Theorem 2-11 Two Null Identities 2-11.1 Identity Ⅰ 2-11.2 Identity Ⅱ 2-12 Helmholtz’s Theorem Review Questions Problems 3 Static Electric Fields 3-1 Introduction 3-2 Fundamental Postulates of Electrostatics in Free Space 3-3 Coulomb’s Law 3-3.1 Electric Field Due to a System of Discrete Charges 3-3.2 Electric Field Due to a Continuous Distribution of Charge 3-4 Gauss’s Law and Applications 3-5 Electric Potential 3-5.1 Electric Potential Due to a Charge Distribution 3-6 Conductors in Static Electric Field 3-7 Dielectrics in Static Electric Field 3-7.1 Equivalent Charge Distributions of Polarized Dielectrics 3-8 EleCtric Flux Density and Dielectric Constant 3-8.1 Dielectric Strength 3-9 Boundary Conditions for Electrostatic Fields 3-10 Capacitance and Capacitors 3-10.1 Series and Parallel Connections of Capacitors 3-10.2 Capacitances in Multiconductor Systems 3-10.3 Electrostatic Shielding 3-11 Electrostatic Energy and Forces 3-11.1 Electrostatic Energy in Terms of Field Quantities 3-11.2 Electrostatic Forces Review Questions Problems 4 Solution of Electrostatic Problems 4-1 Introduction 4-2 Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equations 4-3 Uniqueness of Electrostatic Solutions 4-4 Method of Images 4-4.1 Point Charge and Conducting Planes 4-4.2 Line Charge and Parallel Conducting Cylinder 4-4.3 Point Charge and Conducting Sphere 4-4.4 Charged Sphere and Grounded Plane 4-5 Boundary-Value Problems in Cartesian Coordinates 4-6 Boundary-Value Problems in Cylindrical Coordinates 4-7 Boundary-Value Problems in Spherical Coordinates Review Questions Problems 5 Steady Electric Currents 5-1 Introduction 5-2 Current Density and Ohm’s’Law 5-3 Electromotive Force and Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law 5-4 Equation of Continuity and Kirchhoff’s Current Law 5-5 Power Dissipation and Joule’s Law 5-6 Boundary Conditions for Current Density 5-7 Resistance Calculations Review Questions Problems 6 Static Magnetic Fields 6-1 Introduction 6-2 Fundamental Postulates of Magnetostatics in Free Space 6-3 Vector Magnetic Potential 6-4 The Biot-Savart Law and Applications 6-5 The Magnetic Dipole 6-5.1 Scalar Magnetic Potential 6-6 Magnetization and Equivalent Current Densities 6-6.1 Equivalent Magnetization Charge Densities 6-7 Magnetic Field Intensity and Relative Permeability 6-8 Magnetic Circuits 6-9 Behavior of Magnetic Materials 6-10 Boundary Conditions for Magnetostatic Fields 6-11 Inductances and Inductors …… 7 Time-Varying Fields and Maxwell’s Equations 8 Plane Electromagnetic Waves 9 Theory and Applications of Transmission Lines 10 Waveguides and Cavity Ressonators 11 Antennas and Radiating Systems A Synbois and Units B Sone Useful Material Constants C Index of Tables General Bibliography Answers to Selected Problems Index Some Useful Items










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