计算机专业英语[ 学术能力培养]



  《计算机专业英语(学术能力培养)》根据计算机专业英语学术能力的培养要求设计了10个教学单元。每个教学单元分为听、说、读、写、学术能力指导五个模块,深入探讨了如何做研究、如何写论文、如何读论文、如何做学术报告等问题。  《计算机专业英语(学术能力培养)》选材新颖独特,均来自名家、名著、名校、名刊,具有代表性,内容讲解注重启发和引导。  《计算机专业英语(学术能力培养)》适合作为信息类专业本科生、研究生专业英语课程的教材,也适合准备出国攻读硕士、博士学位的学生,准备从事博士后研究的博士生,使用英语进行学术研究的青年教师和自修者,以及在工作中使用英语的IT从业人员和科技英语爱好者。



Unit 11.1 Listening:Tech Team Puts Microscope on Cell Phone1.2 Speaking:How to Make Your Speaking Easier and More Effective1.3 Reading:What is Computer Science from Wikipedia1.4 Writing:Introduction to Writing in English for an English Academic Audience1.5 Inside Academics:How to Write Email or What is Email EtiquetteUnit 22.1 Listening:Soccer Players Ranked with Network Analysis2.2 Speaking:Effective PowerPoint2.3 Reading:Manipulation of the Crowd:How Trustworthy Are Online Ratings2.4 Writing:Elementary Rules of Usage from the Elements of Style(Part II)2.5 Inside Academics:Tips for Writing a Cover LetterUnit 33.1 Listening:Selected from Science Magazine Podcast3.2 Speaking:Presentation Tips3.3 Reading:Is Your Computer Secure_3.4 Writing:The Elements of Style III Elementary Principles of Composition3.5 Inside Academics:How to Write an Effective CVUnit 4 4.1 Listening:The Impact ofInnovation and Technology to US Election4.2 Speaking:Identifying your Goals and Organizing your Presentation4.3 Reading:Cybersecurity:How Safe are Your Data?4.4 Writing:The Standards of a Scientific Paper4.5 Inside Academits:How to Write Personal StatementUnit 55.1 Listening:Bill Gates’S Keynote in CES 20085.2 Speaking:Oral Presentation Advices5.3 Reading:How to Read a Paper5.4 Writing:Notes on Technical Writing in Mathematical Writing5.5 Inside Academics:How to Write a Literature ReviewUnit 66.1 Listening:Steve Jobs’Keynote in WWDC 20106.2 Speaking:How to Give a Good Talk6.3 Reading:How to Read a Computer Science Research Paper6.4 Writing:Tips on(Science and Engineering)Bachelor’s and Master’s Thesis Writing6.5 Inside Academics:How to Write a DissertationUnit 77.1 Listening:A Lecture on Hardware in Harvard University7.2 Speaking:Delivering Winning Presentations7.3 Reading:How to Read a CS Research Paper7.4 Writing:Scientific Writing for Computer Science Students7.5 Inside Academics:How to Survive in Graduate SchoolUnit 88.1 Listening:A Lecture on Internet in Harvard University8.2 Speaking:Hints for Ph.D.Proposal Defense and Ph.D.Defense8.3 Reading:from IEEE S&P Magazine8.4 Writing:Tips for Writing Technical Papers8.5 Inside Academics:How to do Research and Research MethodologyUnit 99.1 Listening:A Lecture on Introduction of Algorithm in MIT9.2 Speaking:Phone Interview Preparation9.3 Reading:Selected from the Most Cited Textbook in Computer Science9.4 Writing:An Evaluation of the Ninth SOSP Submissions9.5 Inside Academics:The Three Golden Rules for Successful ScientificResearch and The Ph.D.ExperienceUnit 1010.1 Listening:ACM SIGKDD Tutorial10.2 Speaking:How to do a Good Lecturing10.3 Reading:One ofthe Most Cffed Papers in Computer Science10.4 Writing:How to Write a Title,Abstract and Conclusion fSelected from Scientific Writing.A Reader and Writer’s Guide)10.5 Inside Academics:NSF Career Proposal Writing TipsAppendix A Other Related SuggestionsA.1 On Looking at SentencesA.2 Ten Lessions in C1arity and GraceA.3 Four(Easy)Steps to Better WritingA.g How to Read an Engineering Researth PaperA.5 Computer Science Academic ConferencesA.6 CiteSeer’S Most Cited Computer Science CitationsAppendix B Partial TranslationsB.1 The Elements ofstyle II——Elementary Rules ofUsageB.2 The Elements ofStyle III——Elementary Principles of CompositionReference


计算机专业英语[ 学术能力培养]

书名:计算机专业英语[ 学术能力培养]







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