


《直通剑桥商务英语(Pass Cambridge BEC,2nd Edition)》由美国圣智学习出版公司根据英国剑桥大学考试委员对BEC考试大纲的*修订为编目,以现代商务活动为素材编写而成。内容与考试紧密联系。除对课文进行详细讲解外,还辅以大量的自测练习、听力练习、对话练习和答案,既适合课堂教学又适合备考自学。








Ian Wood,伦敦大学应用语言学和牛津大学英语语言文学专业毕业, 是剑桥大学ESOL考试中心多项考试(FCE, CAE, CPE, BEC, BULATS and IELTS)的专家, 也是剑桥大学、伦敦大学、肯特大学和英文文化教育协会的顾问。出版过多部BEC考试指导用书,并被剑桥大学考试委员会列为推荐用书。本套Pass Cambridge BEC即为其经典之作。



1 Unit 1a Teamwork Talking about teamwork
Making arrangements
Speaking part 2
Reading part 3
5 Unit 1b Communication Improving communication in spoken language
Taking and leaving voicemail messages
Speaking part 2
Listening part 2
Listening part 1
8 Self-study Present tenses, past simple and present perfect Review
10 Exam practice Reading part 4
Reading part 5
Writing part 1
12 Unit 2a Business hotels Talking about business hotels
Speaking activity
Reading part 1
Listening part 2
Speaking part 1
16 Unit 2b Corporate hospitality Talking about corporate hospitality
Formal and informal language
Making, accepting and declining invitations
Reading part 3
Writing part 2
20 Self-study Auxiliary verbs, countable or uncountable nouns Review
22 Exam practice Reading part 1
Reading part 2
24 Unit 3a Ordering goods Talking about orders
Clarity in written language
Phone and letter phrases
Reading part 5
Writing part 1
28 Unit 3b Cash flow Talking about company finances
Conditionals 1 and 2
Managing cash flow
Writing part 1
Speaking part 3
32 Self-study Intentions and arrangements,
conditionals 1 and 2 Review
34 Exam practice Reading part 2
Reading part 5
Writing part 1
36 Unit 4a Brand power Talking about brands and marketing
Ethical banking
Listening part 2
Reading part 1
39 Unit 4b Public relations Talking about public relations
Organising a PR event
Describing duties and responsibilities
Listening part 3
Writing part 2
Speaking part 1
Speaking part 3
43 Self-study Future tenses, articles Review
45 Exam practice Reading part 1
Reading part 4
47 Unit 5a Relocation Talking about relocation
Report phrases
Talking about similarity and difference
Writing part 2
51 Unit 5b New premises Giving directions
Asking for information and making suggestions
Talking about location
Writing part 2
Reading part 3
55 Self-study Comparatives and superlatives, participles Review
57 Exam practice Listening part 1
Listening part 2
Listening part 3
Reading part 5
Exam focus The Reading Test 61 The Listening Test 64
The Speaking Test 66 The Writing Test 69
Language Exam Skills
75 Unit 6a Reporting results Talking about company performance
Describing trends
Describing cause and effect
Reading part 1
Writing part 2
79 Unit 6b Green initiatives Talking about environmental impact
Discussing green issues
Language of presentations
Listening part 3
Writing part 2
Speaking part 3
82 Self-study Adjectives and adverbs, determiners Review
84 Exam practice Reading part 4
Reading part 5
Writing part 1
86 Unit 7a Health and safety Talking about health and safety
Expressing obligation
Discussing regulations
Reading part 2
Listening part 1
90 Unit 7b Rights at work Talking about personnel problems
Talking about problems at work
Writing part 1
Listening part 2
94 Self-study Modal verbs, passives Review
96 Exam practice Reading part 3
Writing part 1
98 Unit 8a Business expenses
Talking about expenses claims
Listening part 1
Listening part 2
Speaking part 3
Writing part 1
102 Unit 8b Business travel Talking about air travel Reading part 1
Listening part 2
106 Self-study Relative pronouns, indirect questions Review
108 Exam practice Reading part 4
Writing part 2
110 Unit 9a Flexible benefits Talking about staff benefits Listening part 3
Reading part 1
113 Unit 9b Staff appraisal Talking about appraisal systems Listening part 2
Reading part 3
117 Self-study Gerunds and infinitives, reported speech Review
119 Exam practice Reading part 2
Writing part 2
121 Unit 10a Marketing disasters Talking about marketing disasters
Expressing hypothetical situations
Reading part 1
Speaking part 3
125 Unit 10b Going global Talking about entering foreign markets Listening part 3
129 Self-study Conditional 3, grammar review Review
131 Exam practice Listening part 1
Listening part 2
Listening part 3
Writing part 1
Activity sheets 135
Essential functions 156
Audioscripts 142 Essential vocabulary 153
Answer key 157




作者:lan Wood






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