


  《医学英语综合教程(第3版)》以提高医学生对英语的听、说、读、写、译的全面能力及自主学习能力为目的,将重点放在对医学英语的掌握和应用上。  《医学英语综合教程(第3版)》精选英美医学专业书籍及杂志的文章,体现医学专业知识的主要方面,包括①医学基础知识(前部分内容,一般为大二医学生所学过的专业知识)。②临床专业知识(后部分内容)。学习目的:准确理解文义,掌握医学英语词汇的发音、构成以及句子结构。



Unit 1 AnatomyPart Ⅰ TextStructures of the Lung and the KidneyPart Ⅱ ListeningPart Ⅲ Oral Presentation and Discussion Coronary Artery DiseasePart Ⅳ Word FormationPart Ⅴ Fast ReadingHow Does the Food Act in Your Digestive SystemPart Ⅵ TranslationPart Ⅶ Drug InstructionUnit 2 PhysiologyPart Ⅰ TextCells and AgingPart Ⅱ ListeningPart Ⅲ Oral Presentation and DiscussionReaching 100 is Easier than SuspectedPart Ⅳ Word FormationPart Ⅴ Fast Reading10 Easy Steps to a Healthier HeartPart Ⅵ TranslationPart Ⅶ Drug InstructionUnit 3 BiochemistryPart Ⅰ TextBiochemistry and Human DevelopmentPart Ⅱ ListeningPart Ⅲ Oral Presentation and DiscussionResearchers Take Step Toward Synthetic LifePart Ⅳ Word FormationPart Ⅴ Fast ReadingGene Therapy Saves Lives of InfantsPart Ⅶ TranslationPart Ⅷ Drug InstructionUnit 4 PathologyPart Ⅰ TextAn Introduction to PathologyPart Ⅱ ListeningPart Ⅲ Oral Presentation and DiscussionJob Burnout: Know the Signs and SymptomsPart Ⅳ Word FormationPart Ⅴ Fast ReadingTypes of Breast CancerPart Ⅵ TranslationPart Ⅶ Drug InstructionUnit 5 ImmunologyPart Ⅰ TextInnate and Adaptive ImmunityPart Ⅱ ListeningPart Ⅲ Oral Presentation and DiscussionAntibodiesPart Ⅳ Word FormationPart Ⅴ Fast ReadingVertebrate Immune SystemPart Ⅵ TranslationPart Ⅶ Drug InstructionUnit 6 EpidemiologyPart Ⅰ TextEpidemiology and Its ApplicationsPart Ⅱ ListeningPart Ⅲ Oral Presentation and DiscussionHepatitis B Virus Intrauterine TransmissionPart Ⅳ Word FormationPart Ⅴ Fast ReadingEpidemiological Research on SARS in ChinaPart Ⅵ TranslationPart Ⅶ Drug InstructionUnit 7 PharmacologyPart Ⅰ TextReceptorsPart Ⅱ ListeningPart Ⅲ Oral Presentation and DiscussionAntibiotic Use Is Out of ControlPart Ⅳ Word FormationDart Ⅴ Fast ReadingHerbs That HealPart Ⅵ TranslationPart Ⅶ Drug InstructionUnit 8 DiagnosisPart Ⅰ TextGeneral Approach to the PatientPart Ⅱ ListeningPart Ⅲ Oral Presentation and DiscussionAge and Chronic Illness on Life Expectancy After a Diagnosis of Colorectal CancerPart Ⅳ Word FormationPart Ⅴ Fast ReadingThe Clinical RecordPart Ⅵ TranslationPart Ⅶ Drug InstructionUnit 9 NursingPart Ⅰ TextThe History of NursingPart Ⅱ ListeningPart Ⅲ Oral Presentation and DiscussionA Sister’s Helping HandPart Ⅳ Word FormationPart Ⅴ Fast ReadingTraveling NursePart Ⅵ TranslationPart Ⅶ Drug InstructionUnit 10 Internal MedicinePart Ⅰ TextCoughPart Ⅱ ListeningPart Ⅲ Oral Presentation and DiscussionLack of Coherent Cloning Policies in USAPart Ⅳ Word FormationPart Ⅴ Fast ReadingHelicobacter PyloriPart Ⅵ TranslationPart Ⅶ Drug InstructionUnit 11 SurgeryPart Ⅰ TextAppendicitisPart Ⅱ ListeningPart Ⅲ Oral Presentation and DiscussionKidney TransplantationPart Ⅳ Word FormationPart Ⅴ Fast ReadingGallstonePart Ⅵ TranslationPart Ⅶ Drug Instruction……Unit 12 Clinical LabUnit 13 Preventive MedicineUnit 14 Traditional Chinese MedicineUnit 15 Medical PsychologyUnit 16 Community Medical Service参考资料




作者:蔡郁 汪媛






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