









ⅰ. a brief introduction to wudang mountain 1.1 the introduction for sightseers extended reading 1:the jiajing emperor (zhu houcong) 1.2 the introduction for the tourists interested inchinese culture 1.3 the introduction for the tourists from beijing 1.4 the introduction for the tourists whose stay is duringrainy days extended reading 2: emperor zhenwu 1.5 at the mountain gateⅱ. taizipo scenic zone 2.1 needle-rubbing well 2.2 introduction 2.3 nine winding yellow river walls 2.4 the courtyard before the dragon-tiger hall 2.5 dragon-tiger hall 2.6 the main hall (fuzhen hall) 2.7 crown prince study hall 2.8 scripture hall  extended reading 3: laurel tree 2.9 the screen wall with a chinese character fu 2.10 five-story building 2.11 xiaoyaogu valleyⅲ. zixiao scenic zone (purple heaven palace) 3.1 introduction 3.2 yujichi pond 3.3 golden water bridge  extended reading 4: features of taoism architecture. 3.4 dragon-tiger hall 3.5 imperial tablet pavilion 3.6 stone lions 3.7 pilgrimage hall  extended reading 5: twenty-four stories of filialpiety 3.8 60-year-cycle hall 3.9 the main hall of zixiao palace 3.10 yunshuitang hall 3.11 roof of the main hall  extended reading 6: the eight auspicious signs inbuddhism 3.12 parent hall 3.13 crown prince caveⅳ. nanyan scenic zone 4.1 introduction 4.2 taichang temple 4.3 thunder god cave 4.4 nanyan pagoda 4.5 small celestial gate 4.6 imperial tablet pavilion 4.7 ginkgo tree 4.8 tiger rock 4.9 incense burner 4.10 dragon-tiger hall 4.11 xuandi hall 4.12 inscriptions offu, shou, kang and ning 4.13 inscriptions of nan yan 4.14 scripture hall 4.15 liangyi hall 4.16 dragon-head incense burner 4.17 stone hall 4.18 bed with crown prince lying on 4.19 flying-to-heaven cliff.  extended reading 7: children of dragonⅴ. on the wayto the palace of supreme harmony 5.1 betelnut-plum temple 5.2 yellow dragon cave 5.3 heavenward temple 5.4 first, second, and third celestial gates and thepilgrimage gate 5.5 wenchang hall 5.6 immortal-meeting bridgeⅵ. the palace of supreme harmony 6.1 introduction 6.2 inscriptions ofyi zhu qing tian 6.3 pilgrimage hall 6.4 forbidden wall 6.5 inscriptions of fang zhenwu’s poem 6.6 lingguan hall 6.7 golden hall  extended reading 8: imperial roof decoration 6.8 fate-turning hall (zhuanyun hall) 6.9 the scripture hall 6.10 cableway 6.11 qiongtai temple 6.12 eight-immortal templeⅶ. shopping center 7.1 wudang sword 7.2 wudang tea  extended reading 9: chinese tea 7.3 turquoiseⅷ. xuanyue archway scenic zone 8.1 xuanyue archway 8.2 yuzhen palace 8.3 yuxu palace (jade void palace)ⅸ. wudang museum 9.1 introduction 9.2 architecture hall 9.3 celebrity hall 9.4 wudang taoist josses 9.5 brief history of taoism (i) 9.6 brief history of taoism (ii) 9.7 pilgrimage culture 9.8 wushu and regimen  extended reading 10: season-based health preservation 9.9 taoist music主要参考文献后记 










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