




1 General Information,Economic and Soclal Indicators Comparison of BRiCS CountriesTable 1.1 – General Information on BRICS Countries – 2016Table 1.2 – Economic and Social Indicators Comparison of BRICS CountriesGraph 1.1 Share of the BRICS Countries in the World Population, 2016Graph 1.2 Share of the BRICS Countries in the World Territory, 2016 2 PopulationTable 2.1 – Summary of Population on BRICS Countries Table 2.2.1 – Selected Data on Population – Brazil Table 2.2.2 – Selected Data on Population – Russia Table 2.2.3 – Selected Data on Population – India Table 2.2.4 – Selected Data on Population – China Table 2.2.5 – Selected Data on Population – South Africa Graph 2.1 Natural Increase Rate of PopulationGraph 2.2 Infant Mortality RateGraph 2.3 Life Expectancy at BirthGraph 2.4 Population by Age Groups, 2016Explanatory Note3 Labour ForceTable 3.1 – Summary of Labour Force on BRICS Countries Table 3.2.1 – Selected Data on Labour Force – BrazilTable 3.2.2 – Selected Data on Labour Force – RussiaTable 3.2.3 – Selected Data on Labour Force – India Table 3.2.4 – Selected Data on Labour Force – ChinaTable 3.2.5 – Selected Data on Labour Force – South AfricaGraph 3.1 Share of Labour Force to National PopulationExplanatory Note4 National AccountsTable 4.1 – Summary of National Accounts on BRICS CountriesTable 4.2.1 – Selected Data on National Accounts – BrazilTable 4.2.2 – Selected Data on National Accounts – RussiaTa ble 4.2.3 – Selected Data on National Accounts – IndiaTable 4.2.4 – Selected Data on National Accounts – ChinaTable 4.2.5 – Selected Data on National Accounts – South AfricaGraph 4.1 Gross Domestic ProductGraph 4.2 Gross Domestic Product per CapitaGraph 4.3 Share of GDP in Different Sectors, 2016Graph 4.4 Share of GDP in Different Sectors, 2007Explanatory Note5 Price IndicesTable 5.1 – Summary of Consumer Price Index from the Previous Year on BRICS CountriesTable 5.2.1 – Selected Data on Price Indices – BrazilTable 5.2.2 – Selected Data on Price Indices – RussiaTa ble 5.2.3 – Selected Data on Price Indices – IndiaTable 5.2.4 – Selected Data on Price Indices – ChinaTa ble 5.2.5 – Selected Data on Price Indices – South AfricaGraph 5.1 Consumer Price IndexExpla natory Note6 People’s Living StandardTable 6.1 – Summary of People’s Living Standard on BRICS CountriesTable 6.2.1 – Selected Data on People’s Living Standard – BrazilTable 6.2.2 – Selected Data on People’s Living Standard – RussiaTable 6.2.3 – Selected Data on People’s Living Standard – IndiaTa ble 6.2.4 – Selected Data on People’s Living Standard – ChinaTable 6.2.5 – Selected Data on People’s Living Standard – South AfricaGraph 6.1 Percentage Share of Public Expenditure on Education to GDPGraph 6.2 Percentage Share of Public Expenditure on Health to GDPGraph 6.3 Ownership of cars per 100 persons, 2016Expla natory Note7 Resource and EnvironmentTable 7.1 – Summary of Resources and Environment on BRICS CountriesTable 7.2.1 – Selected Data on Resources and Environment – BrazilTable 7.2.2 – Selected Data on Resources and Environment – RussiaTable 7.2.3 – Selected Data on Resources and Environment – India_Table 7.2.4 – Selected Data on Resources and Environment – ChinaTable 7.2.5 – Selected Data on Resources and Environment – South Africa _Graph 7.1 Utilization of Forest Area, 2015Explanatory Note8 IndustryTable 8.1 – Summary of Industry on BRICS Countries _Table 8.2.1 – Selected Data on Output of Main Industrial Products – BrazilTable 8.2.2 – Selected Data on Output of Main Industrial Products – RussiaTable 8.2.3 – Selected Data on Output of Main Industrial Products – India Ta ble 8.2.4 – Selected Data on Output of Main Industrial Products – ChinaTable 8.2.5 – Value of Sales by Product – South AfricaGra ph 8.1 Index of Industrial Prod uctionExplanatory Note9 EnergyTable 9.1 – Summary of Energy on BRICS Countries……10 Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery11 Transport12 Information and Communication Technology13 Finance14 External Economic Relations15 TourismAnnexure










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