






插图:Mr. Oak carried about him, by way of watch, what may be called a small silver clock; in other words, it was a watch as to shape and intention, and a small clock as to size. This instrument being several years older than Oak’s grandfather, had the peculiarity of going either too fast or not at all. The smaller of its hands, too, occasionally slipped round on the pivot, and thus, though the minutes were told with precision, nobody could be quite certain of the hour they belonged to. The stopping peculiarity of his watch Oak remedied by thumps and shakes, and he escaped any evil consequences from the other two defects by constant comparisons with and observations of the sun and stars, and by pressing his face close to the glass of his neighbours’windows, till he could discern the hour marked by the green-faced timekeepers within. It may be mentioned that Oak’s fob being difficult of access, by reason of its somewhat high situation in the waistband of his trousers (which also lay at a remote height under his waistcoat), the watch was as a necessity pulled out by throwing the body to one side, compressing the mouth and face to a mere mass of ruddy flesh on account of the exertion, and drawing up the watch by its chain, like a bucket from a well.But some thoughtful persons, who had seen him walking across one of his fields on a certain December morning sunny and exceedingly mild might have regarded Gabriel Oak in other aspects than these. In his face one might notice that many of the hues and curves of youth had tarried on to manhood: there even remained in his remoter crannies some relics of the boy. His height and breadth would have been sufficient to make his presence imposing, had they been exhibited with due consideration. But there is a way some men have, rural and urban alike, for which the mind is more responsible than flesh and sinew: it is a way of curtailing their dimensions by their manner of showing them. And from a quiet modesty that would have become a vestal, which seemed continually to impress upon him that he had no great claim on the world’s room, Oak walked unassumingly, and with a faintly perceptible bend, yet distinct from a bowing of the shoulders.








作者:(英国)哈代(Thomas Hardy) 合著者:崔明路托马斯·哈代(1840—1928),英国小说家兼诗人。生于英国南部多塞特郡、上博克汉普屯的一个建筑师家庭,受过良好的启蒙教育。先后在多塞特和伦敦学习建筑长达10年之久。期间,对文学和哲学产生了浓厚的兴趣,回到家乡后边从事建筑边写诗。后来专事文学创作。一生大部分时间在多塞特度过。作为小说家,哈代一生共创作了14部长篇小说、4本短篇小说集,其中尤以一个系列小说最为著名,他本人称之为“性格和环境小说”、他人则称之为“威塞克斯小说”,包括其成就最高的、具有散文风格的6部作品:1.《远离尘嚣》(1874)2.《还乡》(1878)3.《卡斯特桥市长》(1886)4.《林地居民》(1887)5.《德伯家的苔丝》(1891)6.《无名的裘德》(1896)。后两部小说被公认为是哈代的杰作。由于《无名的裘德》出版后在当时受到了冷遇,哈代放弃了小说创作而重新转向诗歌。他的重要诗作有抒情诗集《威塞克斯诗集》和史诗剧《统治者》,后者将他的诗歌创作推向顶峰,使他成为20世纪最为著名的诗人之一。哈代同质异形的整体化创作演示着19世纪末英国的外省生活,抑或更多的是乡村生活。“威塞克斯”是哈代文学创作的总体代码;“多塞特”是他文学创作的疆域界定;联系及距离是他小说创作中的关注点;文本中环境与性格的互涉和并列构成哈代小说创作的体系;原始的情欲、强烈的直觉、命运对意志的控制、欲望与不被理解的法律的抗衡、征兆、静寂、偏执、圣灵、隐喻、偶然性及命定论组成了哈代作品的独特类型。





作者:哈代(Thomas Hardy)






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