Environmental Pollution Control Technology-环境污染防治技术-英文版






chapter 1 the principle of environmental pollution control 1.1 the basic theory 1.2 environmental pollution control targets 1.3 pollution control technology 1.4 high-technology outlook references chapter 2 water pollution control technology 2.1 introduction 2.2 physical method 2.3 chemical method 2.4 physicochemical method 2.5 biological method 2.6 the technique process and reuse of wastewater 2.7 summary and outlook references chapter 3 air pollution control technology 3.1 introduction 3.2 air pollution control technology for stationary-source 3.3 the air pollution control technology of mobile- source 3.4 summary and outlook references chapter 4 solid waste pollution control technology 4.1 introduction 4.2 solid waste treatment and disposal technologies 4.3 industrial solid waste treatment and disposal technology 4.4 hazardous waste treatment and disposal technology 4.5 summary and outlook references chapter 5 physical pollution control technology 5.1 introduction 5.2 the sound source control technology 5.3 noise control technology 5.4 noise pollution control planning and management 5.5 other physical pollution prevention technology 5.6 summary and outlook references chapter 6 ecological recovery technology 6.1 introduction 6.2 ecological engineering design 6.3 ecological engineering technology 6.4 ecological engineering technology optimization 6.5 summary and outlook references chapter 7 regional environmental systems engineering and technology 7.1 introduction 7.2 environmental system information technology and simulation model 7.3 regional/watershed planning technology 7.4 summary and outlook references postscript acknowledgements about the authors            


Environmental Pollution Control Technology-环境污染防治技术-英文版

书名:Environmental Pollution Control Technology-环境污染防治技术-英文版







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