


《新编计算机专业英语(第2版普通高等教育十二五规划教材)》编著者徐莉芳、叶健华。 本书采用知识点配合实例的方法进行讲解。充分体现了计算机专业英语的现代性、科学性、前瞻性、趣味性和可操作性,同时注意到知识的完整性、系统性和实用性。全书共分14个单元,每个单元中都有融入计算机基础知识的对话、课文、涵盖了计算机边缘知识及大量专业术语的阅读课文、科技英语句型的语言特点和实用写作的技巧等。以书为整体,单元为个体,使其内容由浅入深、由易到难、循序渐进、图文并茂,理论与实际操作相结合。这不仅使学生学到了有关计算机专业方面的基本词汇、基本表达方法和较系统的英文计算机的知识,而且还能看计算机方面的科技文章,读计算机方面的英文手册等。












前言**版前言unit one introduction to computerspart one conversationpart two reading and vocabularyreading paragraph one: what are computers?reading paragraph two: types of computerreading paragraph three: what can you do with computers?part three 科技英语的语言特点(一)part four 科技应用英语句法:主谓一致part five 交际信函实用写作:邀请信函part six 计算机词汇练习unit two operating system-windowspart one conversationpart two reading and vocabularyreading paragraph one: working with files and foldersreading paragraph two: creating and deleting filesreading paragraph three: understanding the parts of a windowreading paragraph four: finding filesreading paragraph five: change folder optionsreading paragraph six: formatting disks and drivespart three 科技英语的语言特点(二)part four 科技应用英语句法:动词时态part five 交际信函实用写作:咨询信函part six 计算机词汇练习unit three microsoft office wordpart one conversationpart two reading and vocabularyreading paragraph one: create professional-looking documentsreading paragraph two: share documents confidentlyreading paragraph three: go beyond documentspart three 科技英语的写作特点(一)part four 科技应用英语句法:语态part five 交际信函实用写作:求职信函part six 计算机词汇练习unit four microsoft office excelpart one conversationpart two reading and vocabularyreading paragraph one: results-oriented user interfacereading paragraph two: office themes and excel stylesreading paragraph three: rich conditional formattingreading paragraph four: excel table enhancementsreading para & aph five: new look for chartsreading paragraph six: new ways to share your workpart three 科技英语的写作特点(二)part four 科技应用英语句法:情态动词part five 交际信函实用写作:道歉信函part six 计算机词汇练习unit five microsoft office powerpointpart one conversationpart two reading and vocabularyreading paragraph one: themesreading paragraph two: designer-quality smart art graphicsreading paragraph three: table and chart enhancementsreading paragraph four: presenter viewreading paragraph five: slide librariesreading paragraph six: secure your presentations in documentspart three 科技英语阅读理解方法与技巧part four 科技应用英语句法:非谓语动词part five 交际信函实用写作:通知信函part six 计算机词汇练习unit six network technologiespart one conversationpart two reading and vocabularyreading paragraph one: themesreading paragraph two: types of transmissionreading paragraph three: internetpart three 科技英语翻译方法与技巧(一)part four 科技应用英语句法:从句part five 交际信函实用写作:抱怨信函part six 计算机词汇练习unit seven home system softwarepart one conversationpart two reading and vocabulary reading paragraph one:office suits reading paragraph two:anti—virus software reading paragraph three:adobe acrobat reader and e book readers reading paragraph four:archiving and compression utilities reading paragraph five:interact connectivity reading paragraph six:streaming audio and video reading paragraph seven:games part three科技英语翻译方法与技巧(二) part four科技应用英语句法:虚拟语气 part five交际信函实用写作:说明信函 part six计算机词汇练习 unit eight computer security part one conversation part two reading and vocabulary reading paragraph one:what is the computer security? reading paragraph two:user account control reading paragraph three:backup reading paragraph four:windows update reading paragraph five:windows firewall part three科技英语翻译方法与技巧(三) part four科技应用英语句法:倒装、强调结构和反义疑问句 part five交际信函实用写作:感谢信函 part six计算机词汇练习 glossary appendix i 课文译文及部分练习参考答案 appendix ii 初级常用词汇 appendix iii 常用专用词组 appendix iv 专业缩略语 参考文献




作者:徐莉芳 等主编






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