新视野英语教程第三版 4 读写教程



  《新视野英语教程4(读写教程 第3版)/“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材》是“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材。这套教材依据高等职业教育发展的新形势和英语课程教学改革的新要求,充分考虑新时期学生的性格特点、学习习惯和院校的教学现状与需求,在延续了第二版优势的同时,更加注重选材的时代感和趣味性、练习的针对性和多样性,以及教学的可行性和方便性。  《新视野英语教程4(读写教程 第3版)/“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材》由两条主线(《读写教程》和《听说教程》)、五种载体(课本、学习光盘、教学课件、网络课程、音带)和五个级别(预备级和1—4级)构成,为高职高专英语课程提供教、评、测为一体的立体化服务。  《新视野英语教程4(读写教程 第3版)/“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材》为读写教程第4册。



Unit 1 Career DevelopmentLeading In and Exploring the TopicSection AText A: Room for the FutureSection BText B: What’s Your Job, Daddy?Section CPractical Writing: Understanding and Writing Ads for a ProductUnit 2 LoveLeading In and Exploring the TopicSection AText A: Hungry for Your LoveSection BText B: A Trucker’s Last LetterSection CPractical Writing: Understanding and Writing Classified AdsUnit 3 Job Application Letter and ResumeLeading In and Exploring the TopicSection AText A: Writing Job Application LettersSection BText B: How to Write a ResumeSection CPractical Writing: Understanding and Writing Application LettersUnit 4 DisasterLeading In and Exploring the TopicSection AText A: When Lightning StruckSection BText B-The Story of an EyewitnessSection CPractical Writing: Understanding and Writing a ResumeUnit 5 Loving BooksLeading In and Exploring the TopicSeCtion AText A: Are Books an Endangered Species?Section BText B: Owning BooksSection CPractical Writing: Understanding and Writing Instructions for a ProductUnit 6 StressLeading In and Exploring the TopicSection AText A: Pressured and Stressed StudentsSection BText B: How to Control Workplace StressSection CPractical Writing: Understanding and Writing Instructions for a ServiceUnit 7 Home and Family LifeLeading In and Exploring the TopicSection AText A: An Englishman’s Home Is His CastleSection BText B: Singleness Is Not the Same as “Not Settled”Section CPractical Writing: Understanding and Writing a ContractUnit 8 Language UseLeading In and Exploring the TopicSection AText A: Losing an Accent to Achieve SuccessSection BText B: Use Proper Body LanguageSection CPractical Writing: Understanding and Writing an AgreementUnit 9 HappinessLeading In and Exploring the TopicSection AText A: Genes and EmotionsSection BText B: My Road to HappinessSection CPractical Writing: Revision (1)Unit 10 Human HealthLeading In and Exploring the TopicSection AText A: Healthy World, Healthy PeopleSection BText B: Addiction Around the WorldSection CPractical Writing: Revision (2)Glossary


新视野英语教程第三版 4 读写教程

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