













chapter 1 1 哲理故事:小故事里也有大道理 1 1.1 rich or happy富有与快乐 ………………………………………………….2 1.2 a clever plan 聪明的计划 …………………………………………………..4 1.3 the trouble tree 烦恼树 ……………………………………………………..6 1.4 the golden window 金色的窗户 …………………………………………8 1.5 a small rope tied to the elephant 大象的绳子………………………..11 1.6 the stag and the lion 鹿和狮子 …………………………………………..13 1.7 the laborer and the nightingale 工人和夜莺 …………………………..15 1.8 the cobbler and the banker 皮匠和银行家 …………………………..17 1.9 number one scholar and beggar “状元”和“乞丐” ……………20 1.10 mr. going-to-do 打算去做先生 ……………………………………………22 1.11 the strongest power in the world 世界上*强大的力量 …………..24 1.12 the old man and the old cat 老人和老猫 …………………………….26 1.13 monkeys get the moon out 猴子捞月 ………………………………….28 1.14 look at the sky from the bottom of a well 坐井观天 ……………..30 chapter 2 感人故事:滋润心灵的氧吧 2.1 boy and his tree男孩和树 …………………………………………………33 2.2 what does mother stand for 母亲代表什么 …………………….37 2.3 a forever friend 永远的朋友 ………………………………………………39 2.4 the scar of love 爱的疤痕 ………………………………………………….41 2.5 at the age of eleven 11岁那天 ……………………………………………44 2.6 the only listener 唯一的听众 …………………………………………….47 2.7 you are my life 你是我的生命 …………………………………………..51 2.8 a brother like that 这样的哥哥 …………………………………………..53 2.9 home 家 …………………………………………………………………………….56 2.10 a pet’s commandments 与狗狗的约定 …………………………………59 2. 11 all i learned in kindergarten 幼儿园里学到的 ……………………..62 2.12 see you in spring 春天见 …………………………………………………….65 chapter 3 寓言故事:为灵魂的成长保驾护航 3.1 a fox and a cock 狐狸与公鸡 ……………………………………………..68 3.2 the father and his sons 父亲和儿子 ……………………………………70 3.3 the thief and his mother 小偷和他的母亲 …………………………..72 3.4 the wind and the sun 风和太阳 …………………………………………..74 3.5 the fox and the grapes 狐狸与葡萄 …………………………………….76 3.6 the lion and the mouse 狮子和老鼠 ……………………………………78 3.7 the rabbit and the fox 兔子和狐狸 ……………………………………..80 3.8 the race between the rabbit and the turtle 龟兔赛跑 ……………82 3.9 the thirsty dog 口渴的狗 …………………………………………………..84 3.10 a lazy donkey 懒惰的驴 ……………………………………………………86 3.11 the cracked pot 有裂纹的罐子 ……………………………………………88 3.12 jupiter and the sheep 丘比特和绵羊 …………………………………….92 chapter 4 迷人童话:在纯净的世界里自由穿梭 4.1 the little mermaid (excerpt) 小美人鱼(节选) ………………….95 4.2 the peasant and the devil 农夫与魔鬼 ………………………………….100 4.3 the princess on the pea 豌豆公主 ………………………………………..103 4.4 the ugly duckling (excerpt) 丑小鸭(节选) ……………………..106 4.5 the clever king solomon 聪明的所罗门国王 ………………………113 4.6 little red-cap 小红帽 …………………………………………………………115 4.7 the wise servant 聪明的仆人 ……………………………………………..124 4.8 sleeping beauty 睡美人 ………………………………………………………127 4.9 the angel 安琪儿 ……………………………………………………………….135 4.10 the fox and the cat 狐狸和猫 ……………………………………………..142 4.11 the straw, the coal, and the bean 麦草、煤块和豆子 ………………145 4.12 the louse and the flea 虱子和跳蚤 ……………………………………..149 chapter 5 励志故事:努力发现*棒的自己 5.1 eagles in a storm暴风雨中的鹰 ………………………………………….154 5.2 two oak trees两棵橡树 …………………………………………………….156 5.3 intense light is a wall强光是一堵墙 …………………………………..158 5.4 the antelope and the lion 羚羊与狮子 …………………………………160 5.5 you are rich indeed 你其实很富有 ……………………………………..162 5.6 a happy green caterpillar 快乐的绿毛虫 …………………………….165 5.7 two seeds 两颗种子 …………………………………………………………..169 5.8 an eagle lack of vision 目光短浅的鹰 ………………………………..171 5.9 winnie’s philosophy 小熊维尼的生活哲学 ……………………………173 chapter 6 幽默英语:让abc在你的舌尖跳动 6.1 an artist 美术家 …………………………………………………………………177 6.2 give me a big box of chocolates 请给我一大盒巧克力 ………..179 6.3 the doorkeeper 守门人 ………………………………………………………181 6.4 those are ants 那些是蚂蚁 …………………………………………………183 6.5 barking dogs don’t bite 会叫的狗不咬人 ……………………………..185 6.6 it isn’t lost 它没丢 ……………………………………………………………..187 6.7 a holiday from school 休假 ………………………………………………..189 6.8 a bad doctor 庸医 ……………………………………………………………..191 6.9 not here 不在这里 ……………………………………………………………..194 6.10 the king and his stories 国王和他的故事 ……………………………197 6.11 500 times 罚写500遍 ………………………………………………………..199 6.12 violin lessons 小提琴课 ……………………………………………………..200 6.13 the gorilla 大猩猩 ……………………………………………………………..203 chapter 7 智慧故事:好英文一路陪伴你成长 7.1 the wise son聪明的儿子 …………………………………………………..207 7.2 leave time behind 把时间置于身后 ……………………………………209 7.3 perfect match 绝配 ……………………………………………………………..211 7.4 a trick that backfired 聪明反被聪明误 ……………………………….213 7.5 two dollars 两美元 …………………………………………………………….215 7.6 the industrious bear 勤劳的熊 …………………………………………….217 7.7 a problem in arithmetic 一个数学问题 ………………………………..219 7.8 cleaning boots for nothing 免费擦鞋 …………………………………..221 7.9 first class 头等舱 ……………………………………………………………….223 7.10 the lion and the fox 狮子与狐狸 ………………………………………..225 7.11 a clever panda 聪明的熊猫 ………………………………………………..227 7.12 the fox and the stork 狐狸和鹤 …………………………………………..229 7.13 the hungry mouse 饥饿的小老鼠 ……………………………………….231 chapter 8 名人小事:用好英文浇灌心灵的后花园 8.1 einstein and the little girl爱因斯坦和小女孩 ………………………234 8.2 sherlock holmes夏洛克福尔摩斯 ………………………………………236 8.3 george washington and the horse 乔治华盛顿和马…………………..238 8.4 chaplin and a fly 卓别林和苍蝇 ………………………………………….240 8.5 honest lincoln 诚实的林肯 …………………………………………………242 8.6 mark twain and a police officer 马克吐温和警察 ………………….244 8.7 socrates and his house 苏格拉底和他的房子 ………………………247 8.8 robert bruce and a spider 伯特布鲁斯与蜘蛛 ……………………..249 8.9 churchill’s speech 丘吉尔的演讲 …………………………………………251 8.10 affecting applause动人的掌声 …………………………………………..253 chapter 9 奇闻趣事:让学英文变成一种乐趣 9.1 the candy king糖果国王 …………………………………………………..256 9.2 the story of sandwich三明治的故事 …………………………………..258 9.3 how did ok come from ok的来历 …………………………………..260 9.4 the bee and jupiter蜜蜂和丘比特 ………………………………………262 9.5 the horse, the ox and the dog马、牛和狗 ………………………….264 9.6 the elephant and his trunk大象的鼻子 ………………………………266 9.7 a broken mirror and bad luck打碎镜子会招来坏运气吗 …….268 9.8 why would the stomach start rumbling when we’re hungry 肚子饿了为什么会咕咕叫 …………………………………………………..270 chapter 10 神奇自然:拥抱五彩斑斓的美丽世界 10.1 how do animals protect themselves 动物如何保护自己 ………273 10.2 a flea’s confession 小跳蚤的自白 ……………………………………….275 10.3 is the tomato a vegetable or a fruit 番茄是水果还是蔬菜 ……..277 10.4 why some animals have no fur or hair 动物无毛为哪般 …….279 10.5 the frog that changes color会变色的青蛙 ………………………….281 10.6 does banana grow on trees香蕉是长在树上的吗 ………………..283 10.7 do plants send out clear distress signals 植物也能发出“遇难信号” ……………………………………………….285 10.8 air空气 …………………………………………………………………………….287 10.9 the sun太阳 ……………………………………………………………………..289 10.10 the little green ones 绿色的小东西 ……………………………………291 chapter 11 儿歌童谣:给英语插上动听的音符 11.1 it’s a small world这是一个小小的世界 ……………………………….297 11.2 the turkey song火鸡之歌 ………………………………………………….299 11.3 the clock song 时钟之歌 ……………………………………………………303 11.4 what is time 时间是什么 ……………………………………………………305 11.5 the red-nosed reindeer 红鼻子驯鹿 …………………………………..307 11.6 edelweiss 雪绒花 ……………………………………………………………….311 11.7 ten little indians 十个小印第安人 ………………………………………313 11.8 jingle bells 铃儿响叮当 ………………………………………………………315 11.9 the doll of clay 泥娃娃 ……………………………………………………..320 11.10 what animals are in the sea 海里有什么动物 ………………………322 11.11 three little kittens 三只小猫咪 …………………………………………..324










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