


  中国电机工程学会继电保护专业委员会编*的《国内外*新继电保护及控制技术研究(上)(英文版)》是第六届现代电力系统自动化和保护国际学术研讨会 (apap2015)论文集,收录了来自20个国家和地区的 174篇论文。这些论文反映了国内外电力系统继电保护和自动化业界共同关注的问题及*新研究成果,内容涉及继电保护、变电站自动化、电网安全稳定控制、电网运行及分析、高压直流输电及电力电子设备控制保护、分布式发电、配电网保护和控制等。论文集内容丰富,实用性强,对电力系统保护和控制技术研究有较高参考价值和借鉴意义,可供相关学者、专家以及工程技术人员参考。



前言foreword(1) new development and application of protection  a distinguish method of overload and transmission line fault based on ucos in voltage plane  a new digital relay protection device using single cpu  a uhv transmission line protection based on the multi-frequency information  adaptive line current differential relay for two-phase transmission line  advanced arc protection relay as the main busbar protection in the mv switchboards of the substation  coordinated backup protection scheme for smart substation  design of regional integrated protection hardware platform and software platform  development of method to detect the permanent fault in transmission system based on transient stability  high-speed and high-reliability protection scheme for ehv/uhv transmission lines in smart substation  impact of upfc on transmission line protection  influence of current reverse on protection for series compensated line  operation analysis and solution for mal-operations of transformer buchholz protection in a transmission utility  research in the design of measuring and protection device based on neural neworks  research of redundancy line-protection of smart substation system.  research on intelligent protection area network setting  research on the effects of tcps on the distance protection  study on fault characteristics of multi-send hvdc system and its impact on protection  study on lc detuning failure protection for the static blocking filters  study on the impact of ac protection employed in uhv ac/dc hybrid power grid  the application of zero-phase digital filter algorithm in transformer differential protection  the study of inter-turn protection for the scsr’s control winding(2) substation automation system  a joint research on the substation of the future between portugal and china  a kind of power quality modeling methods and practice based on the iec 61850  a route of the time stamp data detection of power system based on intelligent substation communication physical layer  a secondary circuit fault diagnosis method based on probability statistics in smart substation  application of generic interface conversion device in intelligentization reconstruction for busbar protection  application of protection relay information in substation  application research about relay information based on iec 61850 model  enhancement on protection application and automation in distribution system  evaluation of data flow control analysis and performance for architecture of secondary substation system (as3) design  fault location and auto-reclose for hybrid lines based on the application of foct  field trial of process bus based line protection using ncit and cit at each respective end  first meralco iec 61850 smart substation — challenges and learnings  iec 61850 engineering process of multivendor intelligent electronic devices for breaker failure protection scheme  research of graphical iec 61850 modeling and automatic processing  research on new type of merging unit for operation and maintenance  smart digital substation deployment — feedback on contract execution and in-service experience  ……(3) stability analysis and control(4) wide area monitoring, protection and control(5) protection and control for renewable energy generation(6) protection and control for hvdc(7) system planning, analysis, operation and control(8) distribution automation and microgrid(9) simulation and testing(10) fault recording and fault location(11) communication for protection and automation purpose(12) condition monitoring availabitity and reliability(13) auxiliary power supply










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