


《每天读点好英文 享·悦读》分为五部分:健康生活每一天,*美校园学生时,永恒的爱,科技使人进步,社会百科全知道。书中的一两句智慧良言、一两篇趣味文章或许就能帮助我们拨开厚重的云雾,带给我们灿烂明媚的天空。







pat 1 健康生活每一天unit 1 beakfast helps gils stay slim 002早餐可助女孩保持苗条unit 2 men aen’t as tough as you think 007男人并没有你想象的那样坚强unit 3 stave youself to live longe? 011为了长寿,忍饥挨饿?unit 4 geen tea potects against heat disease 016绿茶可预防心脏病unit 5 sunshine helps to keep you young 021日光浴有助于保持年轻unit 6 execise can add 3 yeas to life 026锻炼能延长3 年寿命unit 7 want to lose that bay weight? get some sleep! 031想减肥,多睡觉unit 8 vegetales may keep bains young 036蔬菜可使大脑保持年经unit 9 pegnant women wanted fo ballet 041孕妇跳芭蕾unit 10 evey day is a gift 045珍惜每一天pat 2 *美校园学生时unit 1 cae fo you deam 052关爱梦想unit 2 a teache’s lesson 057教师的一课unit 3 the boy unde the tee 062树下的男孩unit 4 japanese education 068日本的教育unit 5 south koea’s review of the “gwageo” 073韩国重温“国考”unit 6 college students’ idols 077大学生的偶像unit 7 difficult couses 082头痛的课程unit 8 time neve goes back 087时间一去不复返unit 9 dell’s stoy 091戴尔的创业故事unit 10 if the deam is big enough 096志当存高远pat 3 永恒的爱unit 1 love is eveything 102有爱就有了一切unit 2 what will matte? 107什么才是重要的unit 3 a mothe’s love outlasts eveything 113母爱永恒unit 4 the wish of a bothe 118哥哥的心愿unit 5 the gift of valentine’s day 123情人节礼物unit 6 phone love 127手机爱情unit 7 smile and love 131微笑与爱心unit 8 you have only one life 136你只有一次生命unit 9 let love go 140将爱放飞unit 10 family 144家人pat 4 科技使人进步unit 1 the oigin of refigeatos 150冰箱的起源unit 2 the motivations of going though the intenet 155上网的动机unit 3 googling you date 160搜索你的约会对象unit 4 cell phone signals excite bain 165手机信号会刺激大脑皮层unit 5 vitual reality in medicine 170虚拟现实应用在医学领域unit 6 intenet use appeas to cause a decline in psychologicalwell-being 176使用互联网可能会导致心理健康程度下降unit 7 kille roots 180机器人杀手unit 8 envionmental potection vehicle 184环保车辆unit 9 contact lens 188隐形眼镜unit 10 luna tip 193探月之旅pat 5 社会百科全知道unit 1 the 10 laws of life fom bill gates 198比尔·盖茨的十大人生定律unit 2 bad haits: why we can’t stop 203坏习惯:为什么我们戒不掉unit 3 the 101-yea-old challenged maathon 208百岁老人挑战马拉松unit 4 a dog’s tavel 212狗的旅行unit 5 the development of potato chips 217薯条的发展unit 6 a tip to the supemaket 221超市追忆unit 7 using the five souces of you powe at wok 226使用你工作当中的五种权力资源unit 8 the most valuale possessions 231*宝贵的财富unit 9 envionmental potection vs divoce 236环保与离婚unit 10 potecting the natue 240保护大自然










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