


This book systematically introduces the moving particle semi-implicit(MPS) method and its im

provements in the mechanical engineering. The book is composed of six chapters. The first chapter in

troduces the classification of mesh and meshless methods. The second chapter carefully describes the

derivation of the MPS method. Chapter three reviews the different wall boundary conditions used in the

MPS method and emphasizes the polygon wall boundary condition that is an important wall boundaryThis book systematically introduces the moving particle semi-implicit(MPS) method and its im

provements in the mechanical engineering. The book is composed of six chapters. The first chapter in

troduces the classification of mesh and meshless methods. The second chapter carefully describes the

derivation of the MPS method. Chapter three reviews the different wall boundary conditions used in the

MPS method and emphasizes the polygon wall boundary condition that is an important wall boundary

condition widely employed in the industry simulations. Chapter four to six introduces the latest enhance

ments of the polygon wall boundary conditions in the particle number density and the pressure distribu


The book has clear structure and pays attention to the basic theories and derivations. Many newest

research progress of the MPS method are included. The book can be used as the textbook for the post-

graduate students in the field of the mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering, naval

ocean engineering and other relative majors. The researchers and engineers can also study the methods in

the book to conduct industry simulations








Chapter 1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………1

1. 1 Computational fluid dynamics

1.1.1 Grid methods…………………………………………………………………1

1.1.2Mesh- free methods………

1.2 Polygon wall boundary condition…………………

Chapter2 MPS method…………………………………………4

2.1 Governing equations

2.2 Weight function and discretization models………………4

2.3 Derivation of mPs

2.4 Wall boundary conditions………………………………………………………7

Chapter 3 Boundary conditions in MPS

3.1 Five types of wall boundary conditions…………………………………9

3. 1. 1 Dummy particles

3. 1.2 Mirror particles

3.1.3 Boundary forces……………………………………………………17

3.1.4 Unified semi-analytical wall boundary condition

3.1.5 Polygon wall boundary condition……………………………20

3.2 Initialization of polygon wall boundary condition

3.3 Discretization models of polygon wall boundary condition…………23

3.3.1 Derivation process

3.3.2 Discretization equations……………………………………………24

Chapter 4 Improved wall calculation of polygon wall boundary condition

4.1 Problems of polygon wall boundary condition…………………………28

4.2 Improvement of wall calculations

4.2.1Ⅲ lustration of improved method…………………………………32

4.2.2 Calculation of the wall weight function…………………………32

4.3 Numerical examples

4.3.1 Accuracy of wall weight function at different positions…………34

4.3.2 Classic dam break simulation

4.3.3 Dam break simulation with a wedge in the water tank……………42

4. 4 Summary
Chapter 5 Boundary particle arrangement technique in polygon wall boundary condition
5. 1 Boundary particle arrangement technique

5.1.1 Construction of the boundary particles………………

5. 1.2 Construction of dummy particles

5.2 Adjustment of collision coefficients………………52

5.3 Simulation results

5.3.1 Dam break with a wedge

5.3.2 Simulation of complex geometry

5. 4 Summary

Chapter 6 Improvement of pressure distribution in polygon wall boundary condition

6. 1 Research progress

6.2 Improved particle-polygonal meshes interaction models

6.2.1 Re-derivation of polygon wall boundary condition . ……..72

6. 2.2 Problem of present source term in the polygon wall boundary


6.2.3 Improvement of source term in the polygon wall boundary condition

6.2.4 Improvement of gradient model ……

6.2.5 Surface detection

6.3 Results and discussions…………………………

6.3. 1 Hydrostatic pressure

6.3.2 Dam break simulation………………

6.3.3 Complex geometry simulations

6.4 Summary…


Noun index










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