





Unit 1 Smile and Love——Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech by Mother TeresaUnit 2 Writer’ s Privilege Is to Help Man Endure the Glory of His Past—— Nobel Prize for Literature Acceptance Speech by William FaulknerUnit 3 I Am Prepared to Die for an Ideal—— A Speech After Being Released by Nelson Rolihlahla MandelaUnit 4 Let Us Say a Pray for Our Country and for Our People—— Remarks on the Assassination’ of Martin Luther King Jr.Unit 5 Remain Resolute to Pursue Your Dreams——Remarks at the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School, Islington, U. K. Michelle ObamaUnit 6 It Belongs to All Americans—— Remarks by President Obama on Winning the Nobel Peace PrizeUnit 7 Let Us Keep Climbing toward That Promised Land—— A speech at the Martin Luther King Memorial Dedication by Barack ObamaUnit 8 For the Eternal Dream, We Should Fight Forever—— 2012 Democratic National .Convention Speech by Michelle ObamaUnit 9 The Future Is in the Hands of the Young People of Both Countries—— Remarks at Launch of the ]00,000 Strong Foundation by Hillary ClintonUnit 10 The Size of Your Dreams Must Always Exceed Your Current Capacity to Achieve Them—— Speech by Ellen Johnson-Sirlea f at Harvard University CommencementUnit 11 Comic Relief—— Speech by Mitt Romney at AL Smith DinnerUnit 12 Don’t Eat Fortune’s Cookie—— Speech by Michael Lewis at Princeton University Corn m encementUnit 13 Find a Way to Say “Yes” to Things—— Speech by Eric Emerson Schmidt at Boston University CommencementUnit 14 Develop Your Own Compass—— Speech by Aaron Sorkin at Syracuse University Corn m encem entUnit 15 Try to Be Myself—— Speech by Sheryl Sandberg at Harvard Business School CommencementBibliography










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