





tne commemorating value and the“living”usage of cultural heritage遗产的纪念性与“活态”利用mission and challenge of the 20th—century architecture heritage protection ——shan jixiang’s speech at“the conference of the establishment of the 20th—cenrury architecture heritage committee,chinese society of cultural relics”20世纪建筑遗产保护的使命与挑战 ——单霁翔在“中国文物学会20世纪建筑遗产委员会成立会议”上的演讲chinese architectural design in transformation  ——innovating through transformation,developing through innovation转型期的中国建筑设计 ——在转型中创新,在创新中发展specialeditionforthe 50thanniversaryof zhuq~qian’sdeath朱启钤先生逝世50周年纪念专辑visualmemories onthe25thanniversaryalbum ofthecentralpark《中央公园廿五周年纪念册》的影像记忆exploration of the central park in beijing during the period of the republic of china(1914—1939)民国时期北京中央公园析读(1914—1939)zhu qiqian and the reconstruction of zhongshan park朱启钤与中山公园改造始末architecture ofthe imperial palace(vii)fact—checking ofthe ancient architecture in file imperial palace ——findings from revisiting the jiapdu palace and the garden of qj.anlong故宫建筑解读(七)故宫古建细节求证 ——再访建福宫、乾隆花园的收获rediscovery oftherockery,socle,and potted landscape of the imperial garden of the forbidden city《北京故宫御花园的叠山、台石和盆景》的再发现the collating edition and notes of lv yanzhi’s posthumous manuscript planningoutline drafton developing capital’s urban area ——in memorization of lv yanzhi’s 120th birthday吕彦直遗稿《建设首都市区计划大纲草案》汇校本及说明 ——为纪念吕彦直先生双甲子华诞而作establishing authenticity and integrity of military construction heritage in the view ofmilitary operationtaking the example of the western fort in yingkou军事运作角度下的“军事工程”类遗址的真实性与完整性构建 ——以营口西炮台遗址保护为例save industrial heritage in urban centre preservation of fnjian xinhua printing house抢救城市中心区工业遗产 ——福建新华印刷厂工业遗产保护探索museums:new views to the“boundless universe”and profound meanings of“improved quality” reviews of shan jixiang’s two books on museums in a broad sense博物馆:“大千世界”新视野“质量提升”深内涵 ——单霁翔关于广义博物馆二书读后感言re-establishment of historical architecture debris ——on comprehensive renovation design of south gate,xi’an碎片化历史空间的现代重建 ——关于西安南门综合提升改造设计的思考architecture cultural“heritage”in chongqing ——research summary of architecture heritage investigation team巴渝拾“遗” ——建筑遗产考察组重庆考察纪略follow the journey of ssca ——research summary ofyunnan architecture cultural heritage重走营造学社之路 ——踏访云南建筑文化遗产preservation and renovation project of haizang temple,ojnghai(extract)甘肃海藏寺的保护修缮工程(节选)architecttalentwen yuqing and his works建筑英才温玉清留下的一片天空m.1an。milan:where chinese design meets the world米兰·米兰:中国设计世界发声taoism and louguantaia record on the design ofthetaoism culture displayarea in louguantai,xi’an city问道楼观 ——记西安楼观台道教文化展示区创作设计blessing or doom ——sidefights ofarchitect saloon of“new urbanization:urban upgrading and innovative design’’康庄大道还是歧路亡羊 ——“新型城镇化提质:城市更新与创新设计”建筑师茶座侧记“heart to heart”stories ofarchitects–sidelights of first publishing and launch seminar ofarchrects’childhood memories传递建筑师们“心”的交流 ——《建筑师的童年》首发暨出版座谈会侧记in commemoration of master chen zhi难忘前辈陈植老the cais’old house in qionghai,hainan: ——alive historyofhakkapeople琼海蔡家老屋 ——一部南洋客史话introduction of 18 books and periodicals书刊推荐18则re-mentioning“heritage of design”aims at the rise of“chinese design” ——on publishing design museum重识“设计的遗产”旨在为“中国设计”的崛起 ——写在《设计博物馆》出版之际watercolor sketches in italy水彩随笔意大利volgograd:a heroes’city伏尔加河英雄城visiting britain’s architectural heritage(ii)report upon investigation of british industrial heritage英伦建筑遗产行(二)英国工业遗产考察报告










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