


本书是美国医师执照考试(usmle)的品牌丛书,本书融药理学知识精要、临床关联和usmle题目为一体,既有利于知识学习,又有助于通过usmle及医学相关的考试,被众多通过usmle的考生推荐为必读参考书,并被世界多所著名医学院校选定为教学用书。该系列书具有以下特点:(1) 提供每门学科*核心的知识,帮助你掌握学科知识的精华;(2)大量的图表,使知识可视化呈现,易于理解和记忆;(3)“临床关联”,帮助你把基础和临床知识融会贯通;(4)每章后附有usmle题目,并有详细解析,帮助你通过usmle等各种考试。



prefaceacknowledgments1. general principles of drug action  i. dose-response relationships  ii. drug absorption  iii. drug distribution  iv. drug elimination and termination of action  v. biotransformation (metabolism) of drugs  vi.  excretion of drugs  vii. pharmacokinetics  review test2. drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system  i. the peripheral efferent nervous system  ii. parasympathomimetic drugs  iii. muscarinic-receptorantagonists  iv. ganglion-blocking drugs  v. skeletal muscle relaxants  vi. sympathomimetic drugs  vii. adrenergic receptor antagonists  review test3. drugs acting on the renal system  i. diuretics  ii. nondiuretic inhibitors of tubular transport  review test4. drugs acting on the cardiovascular system  i. agents used to treat congestive heart failure (chf)  ii. antiarrhythmic drugs  iii. antianginal agents  iv. antihypertensive drugs  v. drugs that lower plasma lipids  review test5. drugs acting on the central nervous system  i. sedative-hypnotic drugs  ii. antipsychotic (neuroleptic) drugs  iii. antidepressant drugs  iv. lithium and anticonvulsants used to treat bipolar disorder  v. opioid analgesics and antagonists  vi. antiparkinsonian drugs and drugs used to treat alzheimer disease  vii. antiepileptic drugs  viii. general anesthetics  ix. local anesthetics  x. drugs of abuse  review test6. autocoids, ergots, anti-inflammatory    agents, and immunosuppressive agents  i. histamine and antihistamines  ii. serotonin and serotonin antagonists  iii. ergots  iv. eicosanoids  v. nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (nsaids)  vi. drugs used for gout  vii. immunosuppressive agents  review test7. drugs used in anemia and disorders of hemostasis  i. drugs used in the treatment of anemias  ii. drugs acting on myeloid cells  iii. drugs used in hemostatic disorders  review test8. drugs acting on the gastrointestinal tract  i. antiemetics  ii. anorexigenics and appetite enhancers  iii. agents used for upper gi tract disorders  iv. prokinetic agents  v. drugs used to dissolve gallstones  vi. digestive enzyme replacements  vii. agents that act on the lower gi tract  review test9. drugs acting on the pulmonary system  i. introduction to pulmonary disorders  ii. agents used to treat asthma and other bronchial disorders  iii. drugs used to treat rhinitis and cough  review test10. drugs acting on the endocrine system  i. hormone receptors  ii. the hypothalamus  iii. the anterior pituitary  iv. the posterior pituitary  v. drugs acting on the gonadal and reproductive system  vi. the adrenal cortex  vii. the thyroid  viii. the pancreas and glucose homeostasis  ix. the calcium homeostatic system  x. retinoic acid and derivatives  review test11. drugs used in treatment of infectious diseases  i. infectious disease therapy  ii. antibacterials  iii. antimycobacterial agents  iv. antifungal agents  v. antiparasitic drugs  vi. antiviral drugs  review test12. cancer chemotherapy  i. principles of cancer chemotherapy  ii. alkylating agents (selected)  iii. antimetabolites (selected)  iv. natural products  v. miscellaneous agents  vi. steroid hormone agonists and antagonists and related drugs  vii. adjunct agents  review test13. toxicology  i. principles andterminology  ii. air pollutants  iii. solvents  iv. insecticides and herbicides  v. heavy metal poisoning and management  vi. drug poisoning  review testcomprehensive examinationindex










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