





Chapter 1 Principles of Structural Design1.1 Introduction1.1.1 Structural Forms1.1.2 Concrete Type1.1.3 Objectives of Building Structural Design1.1.4 Structural System1.2 Loads1.2.1 Loads Categories1.2.2 Representative Values of Loads1.2.3 Permanent Load1.2.4 Live Loads1.2.5 Wind Load1.3 Material1.3.1 Concrete1.3.2 Steel Reinforcements1.4 Structural Design Theory1.4.1 Limit States Design1.4.2 Load Combinations1.5 The Design Process1.5.1 Definis Client’s Needs and Priorities1.5.2 Develop Project Concept1.5.3 Design Individual SystemsReferencesQuestionsChapter 2 Slabs2.1 Introduction2.1.1 Types of Floor Systems2.1.2 Size of Reinforced Concrete Slabs2.2 Design of One-Way Ribbed Slab2.2.1 Structure Layouts of One-Way Slab2.2.2 Calculating Diagram of One-Way Slab2.2.3 Internal Forces Analysis by Elastic Theory Method2.2.4 Internal Forces Analysis by Plastic Theory Method2.2.5 Section Design and Reinforcements Construction of One-Way Slabs2.3 Design of Two-Way Ribbed Slab2.3.1 Structure Layouts of Two-Way Ribbed Slab2.3.2 Stress Characteristics of Two way Ribbed Slab2.3.3 Analysis of Two-Way Slab’s Internal Forces by Elastic Theory Method2.3.4 Internal Forces Analysis of Two Way Slab using thePlastic Theory Method2.3.5 Internal Force Analysis of Two-Way Slab Beam2.3.6 Section Design and Construction Requirement of Two-Way Slab2.3.7 Other Floor Types2.3.8 Platform Slab of a Workshop2.4 Stairs2.4.1 Slab Stairs2.4.2 Beam StairsReferencesQuestionsChapter 3 Single-Storey Factory Building3.1 Introduction3.2 Structural System and Design of Single-Layer Factory Buildings3.2 . 1 Structure System3.2.2 Layout of Structure Members3.3 Internal Force Calculation of Bent Frame Structure3.3.1 Assumptions and Calculations3.3.2 Standard Load Values of Bent Frame Structure3.3.3 Internal Force Analysis3.3.4 Space Effect in Internal Force Analysis of SingleStorey Bent Frame Structure3.3.5 Internal Force Combination3.4 Bent Frame Column of Single-Storey Factory3.4.1 Column Form3.4.2 Design of Bent Frame Column3.5 Design of Crane Beam3.5.1 Mechanical Characteristics of Crane Beam3.5.2 Selection of Crane Beam3.5.3 Internal Force Calculation of Crane BeamReferencesQuestionsChapter 4 Multilayer Frame Structures4.1 Frame Construction Types and Layout4.1.1 Features and Types of Frame Structures4.1.2 Structure Layouts4.1.3 Structure Form Selection and Section DimensionEstimating4.2 Internal Force and Displacement Calculation4.2.1 Analysis Models4.2.2 Internal Force Analysis under Vertical Loads4.2.3 Internal Force Analysis under Horizontal Loads4.2.4 Calculation of Displacement and the Limit Value of Frames4.3 The Most Unfavourable Position of Load Combination4.3.1 Control Sections4.3.2 Load Effect Combination4.3.3 Most Unfavorable Position under Vertical Variable Loads4.3.4 Moment Amplitude Modulation of Beam End4.4 Design of Frame Structural Components4.4.1 Design of Frame Beam and Column4.4.2 Design of Frame Joints4.4.3 Frame Construction RequirementsReferencesQuestionsChapter 5 Application of Software5.1 Introduction of Softwares5.1.1 Introduction of Chinese Softwares5.1.2 Introduction of International Softwares5.2 Example: Design of a Reinforced Concrete Structure5.2.1 Introduction of Project5.2.2 BeginaNew Model5.2.3 Add Floor Openings5.2.4 Add Walls5.2.5 Define Static Load Patterns5.2.6 Review Diaphragms5.2.7 Review the Load Cases5.2.8 Run the Analysis5.2.9 Display the Results5.2.10 Design the Concrete Frames5.2.11 Design the Shear WallsReferencesAppendixAppendix AAppendix BAppendix CAppendix D










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