


  日本的电子电气企业闻名于世界,但是进入信息化社会之后,它们的发展轨迹却出现了两极分化,佳能企业在众多的企业中脱颖而出,保持良好的发展势头。全书以日本电子电气的企业,特别是佳能企业及其打印机的发展轨迹为对象,通过优理论及计量经济模型进行实证研究,揭示了高技术企业在发展的过程中,加强企业的内部研发能力、外部的市场学习以及与竞争对手之间的竞合来保证其优发展轨迹的重要性,为高技术企业的可持续性发展提供了重要的理论参考。  本书既可以为从事技术管理、创新管理研究的学者研究提供理论参考,也可以为高技术企业的经营者及相关产业的政府决策者提供有价值的发展思路,借鉴佳能企业的成功发展实践提升我国高技术企业发展的竞争力。







Chapter I Introduction1.1 Background1.2 Hypothetical View1.3 Existing Works1.4 Focus of the Analysis1.5 Structure of the BookReferencesChapter II Converging Trend of Innovation Efforts and Economic Performance——A Case of Japan’s Electrical Machinery Industry2.1 Introduction2.2 Converging Trend of Innovation Efforts in Japan’s Electrical Machinery Firms Under New Paradigm2.2.1 Virtuous Cycle of Effective R&D Investment Leading to Increase in Technology Stock2.2.2 Trigger Role of Marginal Productivity of Technology Dichotomizing Development Trajectories2.2.3 Development Trajectories of Japan’s Leading Electrical Machinery Firms2.3 Canon’s Sustainable Growth Trajectory Focusing on Techno-logical Diversification and Firm’s Techno-economic Structure2.3.1 Technological Diversification and Marginal Productivity of Technology2.3.2 Technological Diversification, TFP and Internal Rate of Return to R&D Investment2.3.3 Factors Inducing a Virtuous Cycle Between R&D Investment and Technological Diversification2.4 ConclusionReferencesAppendix: Bi-logistic Growth Trajectory in the Follower FirmsChapter III Optimal Trajectory of Hi-tech Products Through EffectiveR&D Investment and Market Learning——An Empirical Analysis of Canon Printers’Growth Trajectory3.1 Introduction3.2 Analytical Framework3.2.1 Main Variables3.2.2 Main Parameters3.2.3 Model Description3.2.4 Optimal Control Problem3.2.5 Maximum Principle of Pontryagin3.2.6 Hamiltonian Systems 643.3 Optimal R&D Investment and Learning3.3.1 Effect of Obsolescence of Technology3.3.2 Optimal R&D Intensity 663.3.3 Optimal Learning 673.3.4 Optimal Marginal Productivity of Technology (MPT)3.4 Impacts on Learning Coefficient —— A Case of Canon Printers3.5 ConclusionsAppendixReferencesChapter IV The Role of Techno-Countervailing Power in Inducing the Development and Dissemination of New Functionality——AnAnalysis of Canon Printers and Japan’s Personal Computers4.1 Introduction4.2 Impact of Countervailing Power Among Suppliers on Function-ality Development- Demonstration of the Hypothesis of Supply Side4.2.1 Dynamism among Price Elasticity to Technology, Techno-countervailing and Functionality Development4.2.2 Measurement of Elasticity of Prices to Technology (λ)A Case of Canon Printers4.2.3 Measurement of Elasticity of Technology to Technology Cmpetition ( ) A Case of Canon Printers4.2.4 Measurement of Functionality Development —— A Case of Canon Printers4.3 Dynamism of Countervailing Power Between Supply and Demand Markets in Printers Development Demonstrationof the Hypothesis of Demand Side4.3.1 Impact of Functionality Development on Induction of Supply and Demand —— A Case of Canon Printers4.3.2 Contribution to Prices Decrease from Both Supply and Demand Sides- A Case of Canon Printers and Japan’s PCs4.3.3 The Role of Techno-Countervailing Power4.4 ConclusionAppendixReferencesChapter V Fusing Indigenous Technology Development and Market Learning for Higher Functionality Development5.1 Introduction5.2 Framework of the Analysis —— Diffusion Trajectory of Innovative Products5.2.1 Functionality Development5.2.2 Governing Factors to Functionality Development5.2.3 Requirement to Sustainable Functionality Development5.3 Empirical Evidences —— A Case of Canon Printers’Development5.3.1 Growth Trajectory Of Canon Printers5.3.2 Fusing Effects of Indigenous Technology Development and Market Learning5.3.3 External Learning for Sustainable Functionality Development5.3.4 Implication to Firms Profit5.4 ConclusionsReferencesAppendixChapter VI Conclusion6.1 General Summary6.2 New Findings6.3 Implications6.4 Future WorksAcknowledgement










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