





fashion products 流行尚品1 miniskirt—never passed迷你裙——永不过时的时尚**品 2 jeans will never out牛仔裤——永远的经典 3 sunglasses made sunshine soft太阳镜——让阳光也含情脉脉 4 bikini—always in hawaii比基尼——一年四季的夏威夷 5 high-heel+bubble bath=super sexy高跟鞋+泡泡浴——性感极致 6 ties—fashion around neck领带——男人的颈上时尚 7 diamond—symbol of forever love钻石——真爱永存的象征 8 wrist-watch, fashionable or pure手表——可以很奢华也可以很纯粹 9 sportswear fits male fasion运动装——让男人看着更时尚 10 barbie model情迷芭比——造型楷模 11 perfume, help diffuse your femininity香水——散发十足女人味 12 useful iphone gsiphone gs——不只是体验 13 kindle auto-book, by amazon亚马逊kindle电子书 14 keep going, digital camera与时俱进的数码相机 15 wii games console—rock your passionwii游戏机——转动你的激情 fashion school 时尚学堂16 eye shadow, twinkle eyes巧画眼影,让你瞬间拥有魅力大眼 17 tips on whitening hydrating速效美白保湿小绝招 18 -hour kill visible pores72小时反“孔”方案 19 eat your way to beautiful hair秀发是吃出来的 20 how to make your waist thin如何做个小“腰”精 21 color psychology颜色心理学 22 let your clothes joyful让你的着装快乐起来 23 six taboos for elite men精英男人六大时尚禁忌 124 latest try of hot-pants热裤新玩法 25 how to eat smarter如何越吃越聪明 26 want to become a vegetarian? it’s very easy想成为素食主义者?很简单 fashion view 潮流视野27 talent show, entertain the world选秀,让世界更娱乐的草根民主 28 obama pants is hot-selling“奥巴马”内裤热销 29 paper dress fashion comes back again纸质礼服重新席卷时装界 30 a shirt worn a year, is a fashion一件衣服穿一年,也是一种流行 31 dress in virtual style with magic mirror用“魔镜”试穿虚拟衣服 32 change of the fittest, male-wear borrow the female-wear变者生存,男装向女装靠拢 33 tatto advertisement, a little mad身体纹身当广告,有点疯狂 34 never mind what’s in them, shopping bags should be fashionable装什么不重要,购物袋要够时尚 35 taiwan’s hot drink台湾热销饮品 36 chew for health口香糖能嚼出健康 37 red wine, the key to longer life红酒,延年益寿的钥匙 38 dark chocolate: the eighth wonder of the world黑巧克力——世界第八大奇迹 39 jermyn street哲麦街 40 the birkin bag in sex and the city欲望都市里的柏金包 fashion brands 潮流品牌41 chanel—always elegent, always unique香奈儿——始终高雅独特 42 tiffany—always shining蒂芙妮——永恒闪亮 43 dior—god and gold迪奥——“上帝”和“金子”的组合 144 gucci—the symbol of status and wealth古琦——身份和财富的象征 45 louis vuitton—super classic fashion路易威登——屹立时尚界的超然经典 146 versace—art spearhead范思哲——艺术先锋 47 piaget—piaget is always better than requiring伯爵——永远要做得比要求更好 48 cartier—jeweller of kings, king of jewellers卡地亚——帝王的珠宝商,珠宝商的帝王 49 coach—the symbol of perfectness寇兹——完美的象征 50 prada—luxury kingdom普拉达——演绎精品王国 fashion marks 流行地标51 milan—on the top of fashion米兰——引领时尚的国际秀场 52 new york—love you, needn’t any reason纽约——爱你不需要理由 53 paris—the unparalleled romantic capital巴黎——无与伦比的浪漫之都 54 rome—everlasting tale罗马——永恒的传说 55 london—world metropolis伦敦——世界的大都市 56 tokyo—luxury asia东京——亚洲奢华印象 57 hong kong—the oriental pearl香港——东方之珠 58 los angeles—the super star of us west coast洛杉矶——美国西海岸的明珠 59 sydney—opera palace悉尼——歌剧圣殿 60 las vegas—a sleepless city拉斯维加斯—— 一座不夜城 61 sao paulo—the wealthiest city in south america圣保罗——南美洲*富裕的城市 62 shanghai—new york in china上海——中国的纽约 fashion people 时尚达人63 heidi klum—a famous model名模海蒂•克鲁姆 164 lady gaga fashion—there is nothing to be afraid时尚先锋lady gaga:无畏者的时尚 65 wu jigang—a famous designer著名时装设计师吴季刚 166 beckham strips down to his undies for armani again贝克汉姆再为阿玛尼“宽衣解带” 67 armani empire’s successor—roberta armani阿玛尼帝国的接班人——罗伯塔•阿玛尼 168 paul mccartney launches vegetarianism campaign保罗•麦卡特尼发起素食主义运动 69 the gentle revolutionist in gucci empire—frida giannini古琦帝国里的温柔革命者——费里达•贾尼尼 70 hot designer—betsey johnson性感设计师——贝齐•约翰逊 71 karl lagerfeld went to moscow卡尔•拉格菲尔德访问莫斯科 72 jolie breast-feeding photo: cause trouble朱莉的母乳喂养照片惹了麻烦 73 phelps returns to china菲尔普斯重返中国 74 the fashionable director of the fashion magazine “marie claire”—nina garcia时尚杂志marie claire的时尚总监——尼娜•加西亚 75 famous comedian—tina fey喜剧明星——蒂娜•费 76 bill gates’ philanthropy比尔•盖茨的慈善事业 77 the fallen pop star—michael jackson流行天王的离去——迈克尔•杰克逊 78 british supermodel—kate moss英国超模——凯特•莫斯 79 bono from the veteran rock band u2老牌摇滚乐队u2的博诺 80 the evergreen tree in american shows—oprah winfrey美国电视常青树——奥普拉•温弗瑞










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