


  Introduction to Mathematical Logic Resolution Principle, Second Edition in nine chapters, discusses Boolean algebra theory, propositional calculus and predicated calculus theory, resolution principle theory and the latest theory ofmultivalue logic. The book also includes supplement or altemations on the proofofthe completion of K in first-ordcr system,conceming “Quantitative Logic”.



PrefaceChapter 1 Preliminaries1.1 Partially ordered sets1.2 Lattices1.3 Boolean algebrasChapter 2 Propositional Calculus2.1 Propositions and their symbolization2.2 Semantics of propositional calculus2.3 Syntax of propositional calculusChapter 3 Semantics of First Order Predicate Calculus3.1 First order languages3.2 Interpretations and logically valid formulas3.3 Logical equivalencesChapter 4 Syntax of First Order Predicate Calculus4.1 The formal system KL4.2 Provable equivalence relations4.3 Prenex normal forms4.4 Completeness of the first order system KL*4.5 Quantifier-free formulasChapter 5 Skolem’s Standard Forms and Herbrand’s Theorems5.1 Introduction5.2 Skolem standard forms5.3 Clauses*5.4 Regular function systems and regular universes5.5 Herbrand universes and Herbrand’s theorems5.6 The Davis-Putnam methodChapter 6 Resolution Principle6.1 Resolution in propositional calculus6.2 Substitutions and unifications6.3 Resolution Principle in predicate calculus6.4 Completeness theorem of Resolution Principle6.5 A simple method for searching clause sets SChapter 7 Refinements of Resolution7.1 Introduction7.2 Semantic resolution7.3 Lock resolution7.4 Linear resolutionChapter 8 Many-Valued Logic Calculi8.1 Introduction8.2 Regular implication operators8.3 MV-algebras8.4 Lukasiewicz propositional calculus8.5 R0-algebras8.6 The propositional deductive system L*Chapter 9 Quantitative Logic9.1 Quantitative logic theory in two-valued propositional logic system L9.2 Quantitative logic theory in L ukasiewicz many-valued propositional logic systems Ln and Luk9.3 Quantitative logic theory in many-valued R0-propositional logic systems L*n and L*9.4 Structural characterizations of maximally consistent theories9.5 Remarks on Godel and Product logic systemsBibliographyIndex




作者:Guo-Jun Wang,Hong-Ju






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