

ContentsForeword 1Foreword 2PrefaceParticipant1. Chief Scientists2. Advisory Group3. Scientific Team4. Technical TeamSection 1 Geological Background of the Songliao Basin 11.1 Geologic and Tectonic Evolution of the Songliao Basin 51.2 Tectono-stratigraphic Framework of the Songliao Basin 61.2.1 Pre-rift and Syn-rift Tectonostratigraphic Units 61.2.2 Stratigraphic Sequences of the Early Thermal Subsidence Stage 71.2.3 Stratigraphic Sequences of the Late Thermal Subsidence Stage 91.3 Palaeoenviromental and Palaeoclimatic Studies of the Songliao Basin 121.4 Scientific Objectives of the Continental Scientific Drilling Project of the Cretaceous Songliao Basin 161.4.1 Stratigraphic Boundaries and Marineterrestrial Correlation of Stratigraphy 171.4.2 Biotic Response to Terrestrial Environmental Change and the DeepBiosphere (Fossil DNA) 181.4.3 Terrestrial Response to Oceanic Anoxic Events and Formation of Massive Terrestrial Hydrocarbon Source Rocks 191.4.4 Cretaceous Normal Superchron from Terrestrial Records 20Section 2 Selection of Drilling Site 232.1 Process of site selection 242.2 Site Location 262.3 Simulated Lithological Column for Well SK-1 before Drilling 28Section 3 Implementation of SK-1 Drilling and Preservation of Cores 333.1 Drilling Design 343.1.1 Technical Goals 343.1.2 Drilling and Coring Requirements 343.1.3 “One Well-two Holes” Design Solution 353.1.4 Borehole Structure and Casing Procedure 363.1.5 Drilling Devices 383.2 Intergrated Coring Technique for the Extremely hong and High-recovery Drilling 403.2.1 Coring Tools 403.2.2 Coring Techniques 413.2.3 Directional Coring Technique 433.2.4 Fluorescent carboxylation Microsphere Tracing and Sealed CoringTechnique 473.2.5 Hydraulic Core Extraction 493.2.6 Log Core Identification Techniques and Core Description 503.3 Construction Organization and Management of SK-1 513.4 Implementation and Technique of Well Logging 523.4.1 Logging Design of SK-1 533.4.2 Implementation of the SK-1 Well Logging Project 593.4.3 Result of the SK-1 Well Logging Project 593.5 Comparison and Evaluation of the Designed and Implemented one Well-two Holes Quantities 593.5.1 SK-1 North Borehole (SK-1n) 593.5.2 SK-1 South Borehole (SK-1s) 613.5.3 Quality Evaluation of the SK-1n and SK-1s Engineering 623.5.4 Core Depth Location of SK-1 653.6 Core Handling and Storage 713.6.1 Core Handling and Storage at the Drilling Site 723.6.2 Core Scanning and Storage 723.6.3 Cutting, Casting and Long-term Preservation of SK-1 Cores 723.6.4 Core Sampling of SK-1 75Section 4 Preliminary Scientific Results of SK-1 794.1 Lithostratigraphy 804.1.1 Methods and Summary of Core Description 804.1.2 SK-1 Core Lithology 804.1.3 SK-1 Special Deposits and Their Geological Significance 854.2 Paleomagnetism 864.2.1 Aims and Significance 864.2.2 Sampling and Magnetic DataAnalysis 864.2.3 Preliminary Results 874.3 Logging Results 904.3.1 Aims and Significance 904.3.2 Sampling and Analysis 914.3.3 Preliminary Results 914.4 Inorganic Geochemistry and Mineralogy 924.4.1 Research Objectives and Significance 924.4.2 Sampling and Analytical Methods 924.4.3 Preliminary Results 934.5 Chronostratigraphy 1014.5.1 Aims and Significance 1014.5.2 Sampling and Analytical Methods 1014.5.3 Preliminary Results 1024.6 Geomicrobiology 1074.6.1 Research Objectives and Significance 1074.6.2 Materials and Methods 1074.6.3 Preliminary Data 1084.7 Organic Geochemistry 1124.7.1 Objectives and Significances of Organic Geochemistry Research 1124.7.2 Sampling and Experimental Methods of Organic Matter Analysis 1134.7.3 Preliminary Results 1144.8 Stable Isotopes 1174.8.1 Aims and Significance of This Study 1174.8.2 Methods and Sampling 1184.8.3 Preliminary Results 1194.9 Cyclostratigraphy 1204.9.1 Cyclostratigraphy of Sedimentary Strata in SK-1 1214.9.2 Floating Astronomical Time Scale for Qingshankou Formation, SK-1s 1224.10 Biostratigraphy 1264.10.1 Aims and Significance 1264.10.2 Materials and Methods 1264.10.3 Preliminary Results 126Section 5 SK-1 Core Description and Core Photographs 1335.1 Stratigraphic Chart 1345.1.1 Quantou Formation Members 3 and 4 1345.1.2 Qingshankou Formation Member 1 1495.1.3 Qingshankou Formation Members 2 and 3 1555.1.4 Yaojia Formation 1895.1.5 Nenjiang Formation Members 1 and 2 2035.1.6 Nenjiang Formation Members 3, 4 and 5 2275.1.7 Sifangtai Formation 2815.1.8 Mingshui Formation 3075.1.9 Taikang Formation 363Reference 656Appendix 667Acknowledgements 691




作者:王成善 等






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