


Alexander McLennan, Andy Bates,Phil Turner, Mike White, Instant Notes in Molecular Biology, 4th edition. ISBN 9780415684163. Copyright?2012 by Taylor & Francis Group LLC. All Rights Reserved. Authorized translation from the English language edition published by CRC Press,a member of the Taylor & Francis Group LLC.
  Licensed for sale in the Mainland of China only, booksellers found selling this title outside the Mainland of China will be liable to prosecution.



目录第四版前言缩略词A 信息大分子 1A1 信息加工与分子生物学 1A2 核酸结构与功能 1A3 蛋白质结构与功能 2A4 大分子组装 4A5 蛋白质分析方法 4B 核酸的性质 38B1 核酸的理化特性 38B2 核酸的光谱学和热力学特性 38B3 DNA超螺旋 39C 原核与真核生物的染色体结构 52C1 原核生物的染色体结构 52C2 染色质结构 52C3 真核生物的染色体结构 53C4 基因组复杂度 54D DNA复制 75D1 DNA复制概述 75D2 细菌的DNA复制 75D3 真核生物的DNA复制 76E DNA损伤、修复与重组 91E1 DNA损伤 91E2 诱变 91E3 DNA修复 92E4 重组与易位 93F 原核生物的转录 112F1 转录的基本原理 112F2 大肠杆菌RNA聚合酶 112F3 大肠杆菌σ70启动子 113F4 转录的起始、延伸与终止 113G 原核生物的转录调控 129G1 乳糖操纵子 129G2 色氨酸操纵子 129G3 不同σ因子和非编码RNA对转录的调控 130H 真核生物的转录 145H1 三种RNA聚合酶:特性及其功能 145H2 RNA聚合酶Ⅰ基因:核糖体重复 145H3 RNA聚合酶Ⅲ基因:5S基因与tRNA基因的转录 146H4 RNA聚合酶Ⅱ基因:启动子与增强子 147H5 通用转录因子与RNA聚合酶Ⅱ的起始 148I 真核生物的转录调控 167I1 真核生物的转录因子 167I2 转录调控案例 168J RNA加工与核糖核蛋白复合体 183J1 rRNA加工与核糖体 183J2 tRNA及其他小RNA的加工 184J3 mRNA加工、hnRNP和snRNP 185J4 可变mRNA加工 186K 遗传密码与tRNA 209K1 遗传密码 209K2 tRNA结构与功能 210L 蛋白质合成 223L1 蛋白质合成概述 223L2 蛋白质合成机制 223L3 真核生物蛋白质合成的起始 224L4 翻译调控与翻译后加工 225M 噬菌体与真核生物病毒 249M1 病毒简介 249M2 噬菌体 249M3 DNA病毒 250M4 RNA病毒 250N 细胞周期与癌症 268N1 细胞周期 268N2 癌基因 269N3 肿瘤抑制基因 269N4 凋亡 270O 基因操作技术 289O1 DNA克隆概述 289O2 质粒DNA的制备 289O3 限制性酶与电泳 290O4 连接、转化与重组子分析 290P 克隆载体 313P1 质粒载体的设计 313P2 噬菌体载体、黏粒、YAC及BAC 313P3 真核生物载体 314Q 基因文库与筛选 334Q1 基因组文库 334Q2 cDNA文库 334Q3 筛选流程 335R 克隆DNA的分析与应用 346R1 克隆的鉴定 346R2 核酸测序 346R3 聚合酶链反应 347R4 克隆基因的分析 348R5 克隆基因的诱变 349S 功能基因组学及其新技术 374S1 组学概述 374S2 基因表达的整体分析 374S3 蛋白质组学 375S4 细胞与分子成像 376S5 基因转移与干细胞技术 377S6 生物信息学 377S7 系统与合成生物学 378进一步阅读文献 419索引 428ContentsPreface to the fourth editionSection A – Informational macromoleculesA1 Information processing and molecular biology 6A2 Nucleic acid structure and function 9A3 Protein structure and function 17A4 Macromolecular assemblies 27A5 Analysis of proteins 31Section B – Properties of nucleic acidsB1 Chemical and physical properties of nucleic acids 40B2 Spectroscopic and thermal properties of nucleic acids 44B3 DNA supercoiling 47Section C – Prokaryotic and eukaryotic chromosome structureC1 Prokaryotic chromosome structure 56C2 Chromatin structure 59C3 Eukaryotic chromosome structure 64C4 Genome complexity 70Section D – DNA replicationD1 DNA replication: an overview 77D2 Bacterial DNA replication 82D3 Eukaryotic DNA replication 87Section E – DNA damage, repair, and recombinationE1 DNA damage 94E2 Mutagenesis 98E3 DNA repair 102E4 Recombination and transposition 107Section F – Transcription in bacteriaF1 Basic principles of transcription 115F2 Escherichia coli RNA polymerase 118F3 The E. coli δ70 promoter 121F4 Transcription initiation, elongation, and termination 124Section G – Regulation of transcription in bacteriaG1 The lac operon 132G2 The trp operon 136G3 Transcriptional regulation by alternative δ factors and RNA 141Section H – Transcription in eukaryotesH1 The three RNA polymerases: characterization and function 149H2 RNA Pol I genes: the ribosomal repeat 152H3 RNA Pol III genes: 5S and tRNA transcription 156H4 RNA Pol II genes: promoters and enhancers 160H5 General transcription factors and RNA Pol II initiation 163Section I – Regulation of transcription in eukaryotesI1 Eukaryotic transcription factors 170I2 Examples of transcriptional regulation 177Section J – RNA processing and RNPsJ1 rRNA processing and ribosomes 187J2 tRNA and other small RNA processing 193J3 mRNA processing, hnRNPs, and snRNPs 197J4 Alternative mRNA processing 204Section K – The genetic code and tRNAK1 The genetic code 211K2 tRNA structure and function 216Section L – Protein synthesisL1 Aspects of protein synthesis 227L2 Mechanism of protein synthesis 231L3 Initiation in eukaryotes 238L4 Translational control and post-translational events 243Section M – Bacteriophages and eukaryotic virusesM1 Introduction to viruses 252M2 Bacteriophages 255M3 DNA viruses 260M4 RNA viruses 264Section N – Cell cycle and cancerN1 The cell cycle 271N2 Oncogenes 276N3 Tumor suppressor genes 281N4 Apoptosis 285Section O – Gene manipulationO1 DNA cloning: an overview 292O2 Preparation of plasmid DNA 297O3 Restriction enzymes and electrophoresis 301O4 Ligation, transformation, and analysis of recombinants 306Section P – Cloning vectorsP1 Design of plasmid vectors 316P2 Bacteriophages, cosmids, YACs, and BACs 321P3 Eukaryotic vectors 329Section Q – Gene libraries and screeningQ1 Genomic libraries 336Q2 cDNA libraries 339Q3 Screening procedures 343Section R – Analysis and uses of cloned DNAR1 Characterization of clo




作者:Alexamder Mclennan[等






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