





multilinear embedding and hardy’s inequality  william beckner  1  multilinear convolution inequalities  2  diagonal trace restriction for hardy’s inequality  3  diagonal trace restriction for a multilinear fractional integral  4  multilinear integrals and rearrangement  acknowledgements  referencesreal-variable theory of orlicz-type function spaces associated  with operators — a survey  der-chen chang, dachun yang and sibei yang  1  introduction  2  orlicz type spaces associated with operators satisfying poisson  estimates  3  musielak-orlicz type spaces associated with nonnegative self-adjoint  operators satisfying davies-gaffney estimates  4  musielak-orlicz type spaces associated with operators satisfying  bounded ha-functional calculus  acknowledgements  referencesboundedness of rough strongly singular integral operators  jiecheng chen, dashan fan and meng wang  1  lp –+ lq boundedness on rough operators  2  the phase function is not radial  3  the kernel satisfies a lipschitz condition  4  the kernel is ca  referenceson the dimension dependence of some weighted inequalities  alberto criado and fernando soria  1  introduction  2  the maximal operator over radial functions  3  proofs of the main results  4  kakeya maximal operator  acknowledgements  referenceslp estimates for multi-parameter and multilinear fourier  multipliers and pseudo-differential operators  wei dai, guozhen lu and lu zhang  1  introduction  2  lp estimates for multi-parameter and multi-linear paraproducts,  multipliers and pseudo-differential operators  3  lp estimates for bilinear and multi-parameter hilbert transforms . .  4  lp estimates for bilinear operators given by non-smooth symbols with  one-dimensional singularity set in the range 1/2 < p < 2/3  acknowledgements  referencesexistence and uniqueness theory for the fractional schrsdinger  equation on the torus  seckin demirbas, m. burak erdoan and nikolaos tzirakis  1  introduction  2  notation and preliminaries  3  strichartz estimates  4  local well-posedness via the x8,b method  5  a smoothing estimate  6  global well-posedness via high-low frequency decomposition  referencescompactness of maximal commutators of bilinear  calder6n-zygmund singular integral operators  yong ding, ting mei and qingying xue  1  tntrn(tnetinn nh rn r,it  2  the proof of theorem 1.1  3  the proof of theorem 1.2  referencesweak hardy spaces  loukas grafakos and danqing he  1  introduction  2  relevant background  3  the proof of theorem 1  4  properties of hp'  5  square function characterization of hp'  referencesa local tb theorem with vector-valued testing functions...  ana grau de la herren and steve hofmann  1  introduction, history, preliminaries  2  a local tb theorem with vector-valued testing functions  3  application of theorem 2.13 to the theory of layer potentials .  4  appendix: a generalized christ-journ@ t1 theorem for square  functions  referencesnon-homogeneous local t1 theorem" dual exponents  michael t. lacey and antti v. vdhdkangas  1  introduction  2  preliminaries  3  perturbations and a basic decomposition  4  a stopping tree construction  5  the inside-paraproduct term  6  the inside-stopping/error term  7  the separated term  8  preparations for the nearby term  9  the nearby-non-boundary term  10  the nearby-boundary term  referencesthe dynamics of the nls with the combined terms in five and  higher dimensions  changxing miao, guixiang xu and lifeng zhao  1  introduction  2  preliminaries  3  variational characterization  4  part i: blow up for k:- .  5  profile decomposition  6  part ii: gwp and scattering for ]c+  acknowledgements  referencessharp estimates for bilinear fourier multiplier operators  akihiko miyachi and naohito tomita  1  introduction  2  product type sobolev scale  3  estimates for l2 x l --, l2  4  estimates for h1 x l -- l1  5  estimates for l x l --, bmo  6  estimates for h1 x h1  l1/2  7  estimates for h1 x l  l2/3  8  proof of the only if part  9  isotropic besov scale  referencesweighted estimates for fractional type marcinkiewicz integral  operators associated to surfaces  yoshihiro sawano and ksz6 yabuta  1  introduction  2  preparation for the proof of theorem 3  3  proof of theorem 3  4  proof of proposition 1  5  appendix: complex interpolation of homogeneous weighted  triebel-lizorkin spaces   references commutator estimates for the dirichlet-to-neumann map in  lipschitz domains  zhongwei shen  1  introduction  2  dahlberg's bilinear estimate, part i  3  dahlberg's bilinear estimate, part ii  4  trilinear estimates and proof of theorem 1.1  5  proof of theorem 1.2  referencesa note on lp-norms of quasi-modes  christopher d. sogge and steve zelditch  1  introduction and main results  2  proof that proposition 1.3 implies theorems 1.1 and 1.2  3  proof of proposition 1.3  4  applications to breaking convexity bounds  referencesastalas conjecture from the point of view of singular integrals  on metric spaces  alexander volberg  1  introduction  2  a simple proof of theorem 1. the weighted estimate of  ahlfors-beurling transform = unweighted estimate of a certain  non-symmetric calder6n-zygmund operator on a metric space  . . .  3  t1 theorem for non-homogeneous metric measure spaces  acknowledgements  references  c.s.i. for besov spaces p'q(]) with (a, (p,q)) e (0, 1)x ((0, 1]x  (0,1] {(1,1)})  jie xiao and zhiehun zhai  1  introduction  2  c.s.i  3  applications  acknowledgements  referencesa list of ph.d. students post-doctors and visiting scholars  supervised by professor shanzhen lu and foreign collaborators  who worked with professor shanzhen lu










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