






应课文的关联性,又注意语言的优雅、凝练和幽默,句型工整而又富于变 化。本册重点在于对**册所学知识的巩固和提高,同时加强了阅读和写
作能力的培养。它使学习者从一个会说日常英语的人,提高成为一个能动 笔进行基本写作的人。培养学生听、说、读、写的综合能力,扩充词汇,
总揽语法,结合实践,听说兼修。在掌握**册基本语法的基础上,由浅 入深,分析讲解关键句型及短语的基本用法,使学习者能真正在听说读写



语法查询索引lesson 1 a private conversationlesson 2 breakfast orlunch?lesson 3 please send me a cardlesson 4 an exciting triplesson 5 no wrong numberslesson 6 percy buttonslesson 7 toolatelesson 8 the best and the worstlesson 9 a cold welcomelesson 10 not for jazzlesson 11 one good turn deserves anotherlesson 12 goodbye and goodlucklesson 13 the greenwood boyslesson 14 do you speak english?lesson 15 good newslesson 16 a polite requestlesson 17 always younglesson 18 he often does this!lesson 19 sold outlesson 20 one man in a boatlesson 21 mad or not?lesson 22 a glass envelopelesson 23 a new houselesson 24 it could be worselesson 25 do the english speak english?lesson 26 the best art criticslesson 27 a wet nightlesson 28 no parkinglesson 29 taxi!lesson 30 football or polo?lesson 31 success storylesson 32 shopping made easylesson 33 out of the darknesslesson 34 quick worklesson 35 stop thief!lesson 36 across the channellesson 37 the olympic gameslesson 38 everything except the weatherlesson 39 am i all right?lesson 40 food and talklesson 41 do you call that a hat?lesson 42 not very musicallesson 43 over the south polelesson 44 through the forestlesson 45 a clear consciencelesson 46 expensive and uncomfortablelesson 47 a thirsty ghostlesson 48 did you want to tell me something?lesson 49 the end of a dreamlesson 50 taken for a ridelesson 51 reward for virtuelesson 52 a pretty carpetlesson 53 hot snakelesson 54 sticky fingerslesson 55 not a gold minelesson 56 faster than sound!lesson 57 can i help you, madam?lesson 58 a blessing in disguise?lesson 59 in or out?lesson 60 the futurelesson 61 trouble with the hubblelesson 62 after the firelesson 63 she was not amusedlesson 64 the channel “funnellesson 65 jumbo versus the policelesson 66 sweet as honey!lesson 67 volcanoeslesson 68 persistentlesson 69 but not murder!lesson 70 red for dangerlesson 71 a famous clocklesson 72 a car called bluebirdlesson 73 the record-holderlesson 74 out of the limelightlesson 75 soslesson 76 april fools’ daylesson 77 a successful operationlesson 78 the last one?lesson 79 by airlesson 80 the crystal palacelesson 81 escapelesson 82 monster or fish?lesson 83 after the electionslesson 84 on strikelesson 85 never too old to learnlesson 86 out of controllesson 87 a perfect alibilesson 88 trapped in a minelesson 89 a slip of the tonguelesson 90 what’s for supper?lesson 91 three men in a basketlesson 92 asking for troublelesson 93 a noble giftlesson 94 future championslesson 95 a fantasylesson 96 the dead return 




作者:新东方名师编写组 编






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