





GENERAL SURVEYSCrop ProductionForestryAnimal HusbandryFisheriesFeed IndustryLand ReclamationAgricultural MechanizationTropical Crops IndustryRURAL ECONOMIC POLICIESCentraIRuraIWorkingConferenceNational Agricultural Work ConferenceSignificant Accomplishments Achieved in the Practical MattersManaged by the Ministry of Agriculture for FarmersAgricultural LegislationRestructuring of Agriculture and Rural EconomyEmployment Structure of Rural Migrant Labor ForceThe Quality and Safety of Agricultural ProductsPoverty Alleviation and DevelopmentAGRICULTURAL MARKETSConstruction Situation of Agricultural Products Market SystemThe 12th China International Agricultural Products FairAquatic Products MarketAGRICULTURAL INVESTMENTAgricultural Comprehensive DevelopmentInvestment in ForestryAGRICULTURAL SCIENCE,TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATIONCultivation Program for New-Type Professional FarmersAgricultural and Rural Talents Team ConstructionModern Agriculturallndustrial Technology System ConstructionECO-ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCES PROTECTION OF AGRICULTUREDevelopment and Utilization of Rural Renewable EnergyGrassland Protection and ConstructionSoiland Water ConservationAquatic Biological Resources Conservation and Aquatic Ecological RestorationINTERNATIONAL COOPERATIONForeign Affairsin AgricultureForeign Affairs in ForestryForeign Affairsin Veterinary WorkForeign Affairs in FisheriesSTATISTICS OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMYGENERAL SURVEYStatus of Rural Economy in National Economy in Various YearsAgricultural Production Conditions in Various YearsTotal Output Value of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery by RegionsTotal Output Value of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery by RegionsTotal Added Value of Farming, Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery by RegionsPer Capita Agricultural Products by RegionsCROP PRODUCTIONTotal Sown Area and Output of Major Farm CropsSown Area and Output of Major Farm Crops by RegionsSown Area and Output of Major Farm Crops by RegionsSown Area and Output of Major Farm Crops by RegionsSown Area and Output of Major Farm Crops by RegionsSown Area and Output of Major Farm Crops by RegionsSown Area and Output of Major Farm Crops by RegionsSown Area and Output of Major Farm Crops by RegionsSown Area and Output of Major Farm Crops by RegionsSown Area and Output of Major Farm Crops by RegionsSown Area and Output of Major Farm Crops by RegionsSown Area and Output of Major Farm Crops by RegionsSown Area and Output of Major Farm Crops by RegionsSown Area and Output of Major Farm Crops by RegionsSown Area and Output of Major Farm Crops by RegionsSown Area and Output of Major Farm Crops by RegionsSown Area and Output of Major Farm Crops by RegionsCHRONICLE OF AGRICULTURAL EVENTS










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