





序前言CHAPTER 1 AUTOMOTIVE BASICS1.1 Body1.2 Engine1.3 Chassis1.4 Electrical SystemReview QuestionsCHAPTER 2 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE2.1 Principle of Operation2.2 Engine Block and Cylinder HeadReview Questions (2.1~2.2)2.3 Piston, Connecting Rod and Crankshaft2.4 Engine and Transmission MountingsReview Questions (2.3~2.4)2.5 Valve SystemReview Questions (2.5)2.6 Gasoline Fuel SystemReview Questions (2.6)2.7 Diesel EngineReview Questions (2.7)2.8 Engine Cooling2.9 Engine LubricationReview Questions (2.8~2.9)2.10 Emission ControlReview Questions (2.10)CHAPTER 3 POWER TRAIN3.1 Overview of Power Train3.2 ClutchesReview Questions (3.1~3.2)3.3 TransmissionReview Questions (3.3)3.4 Propeller Shafts and Universal Joints3.5 Final Drive3.6 Differential3.7 Axle Shaft and Rear Hub Arrangement3.8 Front-Wheel Drive (FWD)Review Questions (3.4~3.8)CHAPTER 4 BRAKING SYSTEM AND BODY CONSTRUCTION4.1 Basic Features of Braking System4.2 Types of Brakes4.3 Braking Equipment for Passenger Cars and Light Commercial VehiclesReview Questions (4.1~4.3)4.4 Antilock Braking System for Passenger Cars4.5 Braking Equipment for Commercial Vehicles4.6 Antilock Braking System for Commercial Vehicles4.7 Electrohydraulic Braking4.8 Electromechanical Braking (Brake by Wire)Review Questions (4.4~4.8)4.9 Body Construction 4.10 Heating, Venting and Air-conditioning SystemReview Questions (4.9~4.10)CHAPTER 5 STEERING AND SUSPENSION SYSTEM5.1 Basic Parts of Steering System 5.2 Requirements on Steering System5.3 Handling Characteristics5.4 Types of Steering System5.5 Steering GeometryReview Questions(5.1~5.5)5.6 Overview of Suspension5.7 Front Suspension5.8 Front Wheel Alignment5.9 Rear Suspension5.10 Types of Springs5.11 Shock Absorber5.12 Gas (Pneumatic) Suspension5.13 Wheels and TiresReview Questions (5.6~5.13)CHAPTER 6ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEM6.1 Overview of Electrical System6.2 Lead-acid Battery6.3 Charging System6.4 Starting SystemReview Questions (6.1~6.4)6.5 Battery Ignition6.6 Lighting System6.7 Electronic Devices6.8 Passenger Inertial Restraint Systems6.9 Anti-theft System6.10 Automotive Controller Area Network Applications6.11 Automotive Local Interconnect Network ApplicationsReview Questions (6.5~6.11)CHAPTER 7 HYBRID DRIVE7.1 Overview of Hybrid Drive7.2 Electric-gasoline Engine Hybrid Powertrain System by Toyota7.3 Hydrogen Air Fuel Cell Hybrid VehicleReview QuestionsAPPENDIX A Common Quantities and Symbols in Vehicle ApplicationAPPENDIX B VocabularyREFERENCE




作者:李俊玲、 罗永革






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