


Charles W. L. Hill is the Hughes M. Blake Professor of International Business at theSchool of Business, University of Washington. Professor Hill received his Ph.D. from theUniversity of Manchester’s Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) in Britain.In addition to the University of Washington, he has served on the faculties of UMIST,Texas A&M University, and Michigan State University.
Professor Hill has published over 40 articles in peer-reviewed academic journals, in-cluding the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strate-gic Management Journal, and Organization Science. He has also published two college texts:one on strategic management and the other on international business. Professor Hill hasserved on the editorial boards of several academic journals, including the Strategic Man-agement Journal and Organization Science. Between 1993 and 1996 he was consulting ed-itor at the Academy of Management Review.
Professor Hill teaches in the MBA, Executive MBA, Management, and Ph.D. programsat the University of Washington. He has received awards for teaching excellence in theMBA, Executive MBA, and Management programs. He has also taught customized ex-ecutive programs.
Professor Hill works on a consulting basis with a number of organizations. His clientshave included ATL, Boeing, BF Goodrich, Hexcel, House of Fraser, Microsoft, SeattleCity Light, Tacoma City Light, Thompson Financial Services, and Wizards of the Coast.



CHAPTER 1 Globalization Opening Case The Globalization of Health Care Introduction What Is Globalization? The Globalization of Markets The Globalization of Production The Emergency of Global Institutions Drivers of Globalization Declining Trade and Investment Barriers The Role of Technological Change Country Focus: Ecuadorean Valentine Roses The Changing Demographics of the Global Economy The Changing WOrM Output and Worm Trade Picture The Changing Foreign Direct Investment Picture The Changing Nature of the Multinational Enterprise Management Focus China’s Lenovo Acquires IBM’s PC Operations The Changing Worm Order The Global Economy of the 21st Century The Globalization Debate Antiglobalization Protests Globalization, Jobs, and Income Globalization, Labor Policies, and the Environment Globalization and National Sovereign Country Focus Protesting Globalization in France Globalization and the WorM’s Poor Managing in the Global Markelace Chapter Summary Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions Research Task Closing Case Wipro Ltd-The New face of Global CompetitionCHAPTER 2 International Trade Theory Opening Case International Trade in Information Technology Hardware and U.S. Economic Growth Introduction An Overview of Trade Theory The Benefits of Trade The Pattern of International Trade Trade Theory and Government Policy Mercantilism Absolute Advantage Comparative Advantage The Gains from Trade Qualifications and Assumptions Extensions of the Ricardian Model Country Focus Moving U.S. White-Collar Jobs Offshore Management Focus Free Trade and REI Heckscher-Olin Theory The Leontie Paradox The Product Life-Cycle Theory Evaluating the Product Lift-Cycle Theory  ……CHAPTER 3 The Political Economy of Interna-tional Trade




作者:(美)希尔(Hill C.W.L.) 著






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