










1994.10- 暨南大学经济学院金融系讲师、副教授、硕士生导师
1990.04-1994.10 中山大学应用力学与工程系讲师。



case 1 signal cable company 1topic: cash flow analysis 1案例1 信号电缆公司 3主题:现金流分析 3case 2 bigger isn’t always better! 5topic: financial ratio analysis 5案例2 大的不一定总是好的! 8主题:财务比率分析 8case 3 playing the numbers game! 11topic: dupont analysis 11案例3 玩数字游戏! 16主题:杜邦分析 16case 4 growing pains 21topic: financial forecasting 21案例4 增长的烦恼 24主题: 财务预测 24case 5 there’s more to us than meets the eye! 26topic: financial analysis and forecast 26案例5 实际的要多于看到的! 30主题:财务分析和预测 30case 6 lottery winnings – looks can be deceptive! 34topic: time value of money 34案例6 赢得彩票——看起来可能是欺诈! 36主题:货币时间价值 36case 7 it’s better late than never! 38topic: retirement planning 38案例7 晚做总比不做好! 40主题:退休计划 40case 8 paying off that dream house 42topic: loan amortization 42案例8 付清梦想中的房产 44主题:分期偿还贷款 44case 9 wake up and smell the coffee 45topic: time value of money 45案例9 面对现实 48主题:货币时间价值 48case 10 corporate bonds-they are more complex than you think 50topic: bond analysis and valuation 50案例10 公司债券——比你想象的要复杂 52主题:债券分析与估值 52case 11 how low can it go? 54topic: application of stock valuation methods 54案例11 股价能跌到多低? 57主题:股票估值方法应用 57case 12 what are we really worth? 59topic: valuation of common stock 59案例12 我们到底值多少? 63主题:普通股估值 63case 13 the lazy mower: is it really worth it? 66topic: estimating cash flow – new project analysis 66案例13 懒人割草机:它真的值得投资吗? 69主题:估计现金流——新项目分析 69case 14 if the coat fits, wear it 71topic: replacement project analysis 71案例14 如果言之中肯,就接受吧 74主题:更新项目分析 74case 15 the dilemma at day-pro 76topic: comparison of capital budgeting techniques 76案例15 day-pro化学公司的困境 78主题:比较资本预算技术 78case 16 too hot to handle! 80topic: capital budgeting 80案例16 烫手山芋 83主题:资本预算 83case 17 flirting with risk 86topic: risk and return 86案例17 深陷风险 88主题:风险与回报 88case 18 i wish i had a crystal ball 90topic: real options and capital budgeting 90案例18 我希望我有个水晶球 93主题:实物期权和资本预算 93case 19 can one size fit all? 96topic: determining the cost of capital 96案例19 可以一刀切吗? 99主题:确定资本成本 99case 20 we are not all alike! 101topic: divisional costs of capital 101案例20 我们不是都一样! 105主题:部门资本成本 105case 21 where do we draw the line? 108topic: marginal cost of capital and capital budgeting 108案例21 我们该在哪里划线? 113主题:边际资本成本和资本预算 113case 22 eva – does it really work? 118topic: economic value added (eva) 118案例22 经济附加值——它真的起作用吗? 125主题:经济附加值 125case 23 it’s better to be safe than sorry! 131topic: evaluating project risk 131案例23 小心驶得万年船 135主题:评估项目风险 135case 24 look before you leverage! 138topic: debt versus equity financing 138案例24 举债前三思! 141主题:负债与权益融资 141case 25 is it worth more dead or alive? 143topic: bankruptcy and reorganization 143案例25 死的或活的,哪个更有价值? 146主题:破产与重组 146case 26 is it much ado about nothing? 148topic: dividend policy 148案例26 这是庸人自扰吗? 152主题:股利政策 152case 27 timing is everything! 155topic: working capital management 155案例27 时机就是一切! 160主题:运营资本管理 160case 28 getting our act together 164topic: cash budgeting 164案例28 一起来行动 166主题:现金预算 166case 29 the elusive cash balance 168topic: cash budgeting 168案例29 难以捉摸的现金余额 172主题:现金预算 172case 30 a switch in time saves nine 175topic: accounts receivable management 175案例30 及时转换,事半功倍 178主题:应收账款管理 178case 31 will it be worthwhile to venture? 181topic: international capital budgeting 181案例31 值得冒险吗? 184主题:国际资本预算 184case 32 when in doubt, hedge! 187topic: hedging with derivatives 187案例32 有疑问,请套期保值! 191主题:用衍生工具套期保值 191case 33 made for each other 194topic: valuing corporate acquisitions 194案例33 天生一对 199主题:评估公司收购 199case 34 why buy it when you can lease it? 203topic: lease versus buy analysis 203案例34 当你可以租的时候为什么要买? 206主题:租赁与购买分析










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