


     苏兵、张淑荣主编的《计算机英语(第2版职业院校规划教材)》由三个项目构成(计算机基础知识,计算机软件,计算机网络),每个项目分别由四个单元组成,全书共12个单元,每单元的内容包括:作者精选的有指导性的计算机英语文章、课堂练习、实用性写作、电脑技能diy等。本书的特色:(1)便于阅读——课文中的生词均设置为斜体和带编号的上标,学习者可通过其上标的编号迅速地在课文右边的文本框中找到相应的注释,以便于学习者的阅读和记忆;(2)图如其文 —— 全书用了大量高清的图片说明抽象的计算机专业术语,以便于学习者的阅读和理解;(3)云学习——若读者成为【it英语@云学习联盟】(qq群:300095828)云终端学习者,便可以随时随地实现对该主题知识云的互动探究学习。



project one:computer basics(项目一:计算机基础知识)  unit 1 what is a computer?    text: what is a computer?(什么是计算机?)    exercises in class    practical writing:怎样设计名片    diy: why windows 7 freezes up at startup screen?    (为什么windows 7停在开始屏幕?)    grammar focus:英语字母表和英语语音基本知识    exploration reading:how smartphones work(智能手机是如何工作的)    home work: hardware in the inside(主机里面的硬件)  unit 2 inside a computer    text: inside a computer(主机里面的硬件)    exercises in class    practical writing:留言便条和预约便条    diy: what is a port?(什么是端口?)    grammar focus:名词(一)    exploration reading:computer peripherals(电脑外围设备)    home work: processor(处理器)  unit 3 bios setup    text: bios setup(bios设置)    exercises in class    practical writing:邀请函    diy: how to change your cmos battery(如何更换你的cmos电池)    grammar focus:名词(二)    exploration reading:how to use the bios setup program    (如何使用bios设置程序)    home work: storage(存储器)  unit 4 how does a computer work?    text: how does a computer work?(电脑是怎样运作的?)    exercises in class-    practical writing:感谢信    diy: how to fix a no—input signal to a computer(如何修理无信号输入到电脑)    grammar focus:代词    exploration reading:future computers(未来的计算机)    home work:mp3project two:computer software(项目二:计算机软件)  unit 5 operating system functions    text: operating system functions(操作系统的功能)    exercises in class    practical writing:咨询信    diy: crash recovery(故障修复)    grammar focus.冠词    exploration reading:linux protects your computer(linux操作系统保护你的电脑1    home work: software(软件)  unit 6 application software    text: application software(应用软件)    exercises in class    practical writing:自荐信    diy: what does “application error”mean in computer software?(在计算机软件中“应用错误”是什么意思?)    grammar focus:数词    exploration reading:big data:the next frontier for innovation,competition    and productivity(大数据:下一个创新,竞争和生产力的前沿)    home work: programs(程序)  unit 7 computer virus    text: computer virus(计算机病毒)    exercises in class    practical writing:道歉信    diy: translate the tips ofcomputer viruses(翻译计算机病毒的提示)    grammar focus:动词    exploration reading:how do i remove a computervirus?(如何清除计算机病毒?)    home work: online learning(在线学习)  unit 8 how to start learning computer programming    text: how to start learning computer programming(如何学习计算机编程)    exercises in class    practical writing:简历    diy: algorithm exercises(算法练习)    grammar focus:不定式    exploration reading:software development(软件的发展)    home work: a home(page)ofyour own(你自己的个人主页)project three:computer network(项目三:计算机网络)  unit 9  what is a computer network?-    text: what is anetwork?(什么是网络?)    exercises in class    practical writing:通知信    diy: how to set up a home network in 5 simple steps[1](如何通过五个简单的步骤设置家庭网络[1])    grammar focus:定语从句(一)    exploration reading reading:birth ofthe net(网络的诞生)    home work: internet ofthings(物联网)  unit 10 internet










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