






插图:The answer is yes, but only if his or her choices satisfy some consistency criteria. So, instead of insisting that preferences be constrained to satisfy certain axiomsor assumptions and then demonstrating that rational choices result, in this section of our analysis we insist on choice being constrained to be consistent in some manner and then go back and ask what the underlying preferences look like that areconsistent with these choices. This is called the reveal preference theory because the object of analysis is to ask what the choices of the consumer reveal about his or her preferences. Let us start with a simple concept. Say we observe a consumer in two situations described by how much income he has and what prices he faces. For example, say that in situation 1, he has $100 and can buy apples and pears each at $1 a piece. In that situation, say he buys 50 apples and 50 pears, which constitute bundle x (50 apples, 50 pears). (Note that the consumer can exactly afford this bundle because it exactly exhausts his income.) Now say that the consumer faces another situation in which he has $200 to spend but the price of apples has risen to $4 while the price of pears has stayed at $1 each. Say the consumer now buys 35 apples and 60 pears, bundley (35 apples, 60 pears), the cost of which is exactly $200. Such a consumer, we will claim, acted in a strange manner because notice that after the prices changed, he chose bundley = (35 apples, 60 pears), which he could have afforded in the first situation but chose not to take. If he did not like that bundle in the first situation (and chose x = (50 apples, 50 pears), then why the sudden reversal? The problem is that by choosing x = (50 apples, 50 pears) overy = (35 apples, 60 pears) in the first situation when both were affordable (at prices of $1 each), he revealed a direct preference for x over y; but in the new situation when his income and the prices changed, her evealed a preference for the opposite bundle. We would like to rule such reversalsout. This is done by the Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference.








安德鲁·斯科特是纽约大学艺术和科学学院经济学教授、实验社会科学中心主任。斯科特从康奈尔大学获得学士学位,从纽约大学获得硕士和博士学位。他的教学兴趣在于微观经济学理论、博弈论和实验经济学;研究兴趣在于将博弈论应用于经济理论、微观经济学、实验经济学和经济以及社会制度理论。除了《微观经济学》以外,斯科特还著有《自由市场经济:一个批判性的评价》和《社会制度的经济理论》。他还是《美国经济评论》杂志和《实验经济学》杂志的编委成员, 《博弈和经济行为》杂志的副主编。



前言 **篇 导言  第1章 经济学与制度:重心的转移 第二篇 偏好、效用、需求以及不确定性  第2章 消费者及其偏好  第3章 效用一无差异曲线  第4章 市场中的需求和决策  第5章 消费者需求的应用与福利分析  第6章 不确定性与保险的出现 第三篇 生产与成本  第7章 生产和生产技术的发现  第8章 成本与选择  第9章 成本曲线 第四篇 决策理论  第10章 博弈论与策略经济分析工具 第五篇 市场和市场结构  第11章 完全竞争市场:短期分析  第12章 长期下的竞争性市场  第13章 企业家的时代:垄断  第14章 自然垄断与管制的经济学  第15章 寡头的世界——成功进入的肇始  第16章 市场进入与完全竞争的出现 第六篇 福利、交换与一般均衡  第17章 交换问题  第18章 一般均衡、自由市场与干预主义思想的起源 第七篇 市场失灵  第19章 道德风险和逆向选择:信息市场失灵  第20章 外部性:自由市场—干预主义的战斗在继续  第21章 公共物品、策略性投票的后果以及政府的作用 第八篇 要素市场与阶级斗争的起源  第22章 要素市场与阶级矛盾的起源 术语表










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