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chapter 1 civil engineering section a introduction of civil engineering section b structural engineering section c careers in civil engineering 参考译文 grammar:专业英语的特点(ⅰ)——文休特点chapter 2 new building structure section a steel structure section b high rise building section c attributes ofstructural steels 参考译文 grammar:专业英语的特点(ⅱ) 词汇特点chapter 3 structure materials section a civil engineering materials section b reinforeed concrete section c durability of concrete 参考译文 grammar:专业英语的特点(ⅲ)——结构特点chapter 4 mechanical behavior of materials section a mechanics ofmaterials section b stress—strain relationship of materials section c prestressed concrete 参考译文 grammar:专业英语翻译技巧(ⅰ)——概述chapter 5 load and design process section a principles of structure design section b earthquake section c load action and propagation 参考译文 grammar:专业英语翻译技巧(ⅱ)——翻译的过程chapter 6 construction engineering section a construction ofconcrete works section b construction equipment section c scaffolding 参考译文 grammar:专业英语的翻译技巧(ⅲ)——词义引申chapter 7 hydraulic structures section a dam section b hydraulic engineering section c harbours 参考译文 grammar:专业英语的翻译技巧(ⅳ)——词量增减chapter 8 bridge engineering section a bridges section b substructure ofbridge section c bridge rehabilitation 参考译文 grammar:专业英语的翻译技巧(ⅴ)——词类转换chapter 9 structure analysis and computer application section a struactlires section b compmer—aided design section c fundamentals offinite element analysis 参考译文 grammar:专业英语的翻译技巧(ⅵ)——成分转换chapter 10 soil mechanics and foundation section a characteristics ofsoils section b foundations on slopes section c introduction to pile foundations 参考译文 grammar:专业英语的翻译技巧(ⅶ)——重复译法chapter 11 highway design section a highway engineering section b subgrade and pravement section c highway cross section 参考译文 grammar:专业英语的翻译技巧(ⅷ)——长句翻译chapter 12 traffic engineering and urban transdortation planning section a tmmc engineering section b traffic planning section c public transport priority 参考译文 grammar:专业英语的翻译技巧(ⅸ)——特殊句型的译法(1)chapter 13 environment engineering section a energy and environment section b air pollution section c health effects of noise 参考译文 grammar:专业英语的翻译技巧(ⅸ)——特殊句型的译法(2)chapter 14 heating and refrigeration section a introduction of heating and refrigeration section b radiant heating on the ground section c solar energy in buildings 参考译文 grammar:科技论文的写作(ⅰ)——论文体例chapter 15 air-conditioning and ventilating section a air conditioning section b ventilation section c ground—source heat pump air condition system 参考译文 grammar:科技论文的写作(ⅱ)——标题与署名chapter 16 emerging role of management in civil engineering section a construction safety management section b construction management section c construction quality management 参考译文 grammar:科技论文的写作(ⅲ)——摘要与关键词chapter 17 construction planning and estimating section a construction planning and schedule management section b construction estimating and cost management section c construction contract management 参考译文 grammar:科技论文的写作(ⅳ)——正文的组织与写作chapter 18 real estate and international construction section a real estate section b international construction management section c project risk management 参考译文 grammar:科技论文的写作(ⅴ)——结语、致谢和参考文献附录a 专业英语常用词缀附录b 土木工程中常用的度量衡和单位换算附录c 土木工程网址及信息检索习题参考答案参考文献










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