










(美)格尼特(D. A. Gurnett)、(美)巴塔查尔吉,美国爱荷华大学教授。



preface page ix1 introduction 12 characteristic parameters of a plasma 52.1 number density and temperature 52.2 debye length 72.3 plasma frequency 102.4 cyclotron frequency 122.5 collision frequency 132.6 number of electrons per debye cube 152.7 the de broglie wavelength and quantum effects 172.8 representative plasma parameters 183 single particle motions 233.1 motion in a static uniform magnetic field 233.2 motion in perpendicular electric and magnetic fields 263.3 gradient and curvature drifts 323.4 motion in a magnetic mirror field 393.5 motion in a time varying magnetic field 453.6 adiabatic invariants 483.7 the hamiltonian method 603.8 chaotic orbits 684 waves in a cold plasma 754.1 fourier representation of waves 754.2 general form of the dispersion relation 844.3 waves in a cold uniform unmagnetized plasma 874.4 waves in a cold uniform magnetized plasma 944.5 ray paths in inhomogeneous plasmas 1275 kinetic theory and the moment equations 1375.1 the distribution function 1375.2 the boltzmann and vlasov equations 1405.3 solutions based on constants of the motion 1445.4 the moment equations 1465.5 electron and ion pressure waves 1555.6 collisional drag force 1625.7 ambipolar diffusion 1666 magnetohydrodynamics 1756.1 the basic equations of mhd 1756.2 magnetic pressure 1836.3 magnetic field convection and diffusion 1856.4 the energy equation 1926.5 magnetohydrodynamic waves 1956.6 static mhd equilibrium 2046.7 mhd stability 2196.8 magnetic reconnection 2407 discontinuities and shock waves 2517.1 the mhd jump conditions 2527.2 classification of discontinuities 2557.3 shock waves 2588 electrostatic waves in a hot unmagnetized plasma 2818.1 the vlasov approach 2818.2 the landau approach 2908.3 the plasma dispersion function 3088.4 the dispersion relation for a multi-component plasma 3118.5 stability 3189 waves in a hot magnetized plasma 3419.1 linearization of the vlasov equation 3429.2 electrostatic waves 3459.3 electromagnetic waves 36710 non-linear effects 39110.1 quasi-linear theory 39110.2 stationary non-linear electrostatic potentials 40611 collisional processes 41511.1 binary coulomb collisions 41611.2 importance of small-angle collisions 41711.3 the fokker–planck equation 42011.4 conductivity of a fully ionized plasma 42711.5 collision operator for maxwellian distributions of electronsand ions 431appendix a symbols 435appendix b vector differential operators 441appendix c vector calculus identities 443index 445










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