









1 Theme:Addiction I A Brief Introduction to the Unit II New Words III Language Points in the Unit IV Additional Information and Explanations V Recommended Websites for Further Information VI Supplementary Reading Materials with tasks VII Suggested Activities and Tasks VIII Self-Checklist2 Theme:Aging I A Brief Introduction to the Unit II New Words III Language Points in the Unit IV Additional Information and Explanations V Recommended Websites for Further Information VI Supplementary Reading Materials with tasks VII Suggested Activities and Tasks VIII Self-Checklist3 Theme:Personality I A Brief Introduction to the Unit II New Words III Language Points in the Unit IV Additional Information and Explanations V Recommended Websites for Further Information VI Supplementary Reading Materials with tasks VII Suggested Activities and Tasks VIII Self-Checklist4 Theme:Our Environment-Water I A Brief Introduction to the Unit II New Words III Language Points in the Unit IV Additional Information and Explanations V Recommended Websites for Further Information VI Supplementary Reading Materials with tasks VII Suggested Activities and Tasks VIII Self-Checklist5 Theme: Cross-Cultural Insights I A Brief Introduction to the Unit II New Words III Language Points in the Unit IV Additional Information and Explanations V Recommended Websites for Further Information VI Supplementary Reading Materials with tasks VII Suggested Activities and Tasks VIII Self-Checklist6 Theme:Religion I A Brief Introduction to the Unit II New Words III Language Points in the Unit IV Additional Information and Explanations V Recommended Websites for Further Information VI Supplementary Reading Materials with tasks VII Suggested Activities and Tasks VIII Self-Checklist7 Theme:Business I A Brief Introduction to the Unit II New Words III Language Points in the Unit IV Additional Information and Explanations V Recommended Websites for Further Information VI Supplementary Reading Materials with tasks VII Suggested Activities and Tasks VIII Self-Checklist8 Theme:The Military I A Brief Introduction to the Unit II New Words III Language Points in the Unit IV Additional Information and Explanations V Recommended Websites for Further Information VI Supplementary Reading Materials with tasks VII Suggested Activities and Tasks VIII Self-Checklist9 Theme:The Arts I A Brief Introduction to the Unit II New Words III Language Points in the Unit IV Additional Information and Explanations V Recommended Websites for Further Information VI Supplementary Reading Materials with tasks VII Suggested Activities and Tasks VIII Self-Checklist10 Theme:First Amendment Issues I A Brief Introduction to the Unit II New Words III Language Points in the Unit IV Additional Information and Explanations V Recommended Websites for Further Information VI Supplementary Reading Materials with tasks VII Suggested Activities and Tasks VIII Self-Checklist










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