


本版教材是通过引进版权改编出版,供临床医学留学生和长学制医学生、研究生、医学本科生英语或双语教学使用。本教材对原版书的编写框架予以保留,将耳科学、鼻科学、咽喉科学、头颈外科学各部分内容依次顺延,按照应用解剖、生理学、症状学、检查法、先天性疾病、炎症性疾病、肿瘤、外伤等顺序编排。书末附有中英文词汇对照表临床常用短语英文 -拼音 -中文对照表。



section 1 ear  introduction  chapter 1 development of the ear  chapter 2 anatomy of the ear  chapter 3 physiology of the ear  chapter 4 history taking with symptomatology of ear diseases 24 deafness  chapter 5 examination of the ear  chapter 6 congenital diseases of the external and middle ear  chapter 7 diseases of the external ear  chapter 8 diseases of the eustachian tube  chapter 9 acute suppurative otitis media and acute mastoiditis  chapter 10 chronic suppurative otitis media  chapter 11 complications of chronic suppurative otitis media  chapter 12 nonsuppurative otitis media and otitic barotrauma  chapter 13 adhesive otitis media  chapter 14 mastoid and middle ear surgery  chapter 15 otosclerosis  chapter 16 tumors of the ear  chapter 17 otological aspects of facial paralysis  chapter 18 ménière’s disease and other common disorders of the innerear  chapter 19 ototoxicity  chapter 20 tinnitus  chapter 21 deafness  chapter 22 hearing aids and cochlear implant  chapter 23 principles of audiometrysection 2 nose  chapter 24 development and anatomy of the nose and paranasal sinuses  chapter 25 physiology of the nose and paranasal sinuses  chapter 26 common symptoms of nasal and paranasal sinus diseases  chapter 27 examination of the nose, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx  chapter 28 congenital diseases of the nose  chapter 29 diseases of the external nose  chapter 30 bony injuries of the face  chapter 31 foreign bodies in the nose  chapter 32 epistaxis  chapter 33 diseases of the nasal septum  chapter 34 acute rhinitis  chapter 35 chronic rhinitis  chapter 36 nasal allergy, vasomotor rhinitis and nasal polyposis  chapter 37 rhinosinusitis  chapter 38  tumors of the nose and paranasal sinuses  chapter 39 headache  chapter 40  facial neuralgia (pain in the face)section 3 throat  chapter 41 oral cavity and pharynx  chapter 42 common symptoms of oropharyngeal diseases and the method of examination  chapter 43 evaluation and management of the patient with a neck mass  chapter 44 pharyngitis  chapter 45 tonsillitis  chapter 46 adenoids  chapter 47 pharyngeal abscess  chapter 48 tumors of the pharynx  chapter 49 development of larynx and tracheobronchial tree  chapter 50 physiology of the larynx  chapter 51 common symptoms of laryngeal diseases  chapter 52 examination of the larynx  chapter 53 stridor  chapter 54 acute laryngitis  chapter 55 chronic laryngitis  chapter 56 laryngeal trauma  chapter 57 laryngocele  chapter 58 edema of the larynx  chapter 59 foreign body in the larynx and tracheobronchial tree  chapter 60 laryngeal paralysis  chapter 61 tracheostomy  chapter 62 tumors of the larynx  chapter 63 block dissection of the neck  chapter 64 bronchoscopy  chapter 65  esophagus  chapter 66  syndromes in otorhinolaryngology  chapter 67  head and neck cancer staging  chapter 68  common ent instrumentsenglish-chinese word translationa key-point table of english-pinyin-chinese terms of common symptoms










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