上册 基础强化篇-考研英语(二)阅读理解120篇-英语部落






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passage 1the relationship between dinosaurs and birds恐龙与鸟的关系passage 2the online autocar rental business在线汽车租用业务passage 3would global warming rise sea level of antarctica?全球气候变暖会引起南极海平面上升?passage 4the oil producation石油生产passage 5the brain is the most active during sleep睡眠时间的大脑*活跃passage 6the shape condition of virtual school on the net网上虚拟学校的发展状况passage 7aircraft rapid decompression problems飞机快速减压问题passage 8the discovery of aspirin synthesized by plants植物合成阿司匹林的发现passage 9the action of vitamin d维生素d的作用passage 10phone trapping software手机窃听软件passage 11prescribing a medicine square to promote intelligence quotient开药方来提升智商passage 12medical allergy and overmedication医疗过敏与用药过度passage 13emerging economic powerful country after economic crisis经济危机后的新兴经济强国passage 14auto industry in michigan密歇根州的汽车产业passage 15cleanenergy lnvestment fever清洁能源行业投资热潮passage 16the means of managing staff in american company美国公司管理员工的手段passage 17does economic recession and divorce rate have something related?经济衰退和离婚率有关系吗?passage 18is einsteins general theory of relativity perfect?爱因斯坦的广义相对论完善吗?passage 19calorie and human health卡路里和人体的健康passage 20american scientists try to develop artificial blood vessel with the skin cell美国科学家试图用皮肤细胞培养人造血管passage 21mckinseys research paper about reducing greenhouse gasesmckinsey 减少温室气体的研究报告passage 22scientists discovered water on the moon科学家发现月球上有水passage 23making use of a social intercourse website to support a social public order利用社交网站维护社会治安passage 24“cleverness” charged barbed wire net“聪明”电网passage 25world financial crisis causes a social hazard世界金融风暴导致社会危机passage 26the finance instability causes a huge hazard金融不稳定导致巨大危机passage 27the realbenefits company seeks capital favorrealbenefits公司寻找资金支持passage 28the new progress of earthquake forecasts地震预报方面的新进展passage 29lego toys role in the business乐高玩具在企业中的作用passage 30the globalization raises production efficiency全球化提高生产效率passage 31the american housing market is subjected to impact美国房地产市场受到冲击passage 32internet will close soon因特网即将封闭passage 33gene analysis—the substitute of organize examination基因分析——代替组织检测passage 34the development of automatic intelligence car自动智能车的开发passage 35online service—twitter在线服务——twitter passage 36mobile phone software development手机软件的开发passage 37the rebound of economic recession brings investment opportunity经济衰退反弹带来新的投资机会passage 38controlling university support staff number to boycott school fees rise控制大学后勤人数,抵制学费上涨passage 39the electromagnetic radiation affects our life电磁辐射影响了我们的生活passage 40what is the paperless office?什么是无纸化办公?passage 41video game and childrens performance at school电子游戏与儿童学校表现passage 42asian financial center land price soars rapidly亚洲金融中心地价飞涨passage 43the network sales网络销售passage 44tuberculosis question肺结核病问题passage 45sudden infant death syndrome婴儿猝死综合征passage 46telecom companies seek to make haiti a mobile nation电信公司力争让海地成为一个手机国度passage 47new book of economics—animal spirits经济学新著——《动物精神》passage 48smaller shares,bigger slices份额小了,收入多了passage 49marketing plan市场营销策略passage 50the trade protectionism in the economic crisis经济危机中的贸易保护主义passage 51the rivalry between cocacola and pepsicola可口可乐与百事可乐的竞争passage 52american economic crisis and consumption expense美国经济危机与消费开支passage 53cellphones aloft:the inevitable is closer高空手机通话:必将来临passage 54the notion and operation of public financing大众筹资的概念及运作passage 55new metro rail cars新型地铁机车passage 56mobile wifi service移动wifi服务passage 57network information safety in school学校网络信息安全passage 58how to rescue global economy如何拯救全球经济passage 59the violation of the network speech prestige网络言论的声誉侵害问题passage 60the network advertises:a growing industry网络广告业:一个崛起的产业


上册 基础强化篇-考研英语(二)阅读理解120篇-英语部落

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