






Gentlemen: (should always be in plural form)If the receiver is known to the writer personally, a less formal and warmer greeting is used as follows:Dear Ms. Bontoux,Dear Dr. Walter,The trend is towards “Ms. ” as the courtesy title for all women regardless of their marital status.5. Body of the LetterThe body of the letter, which contains the message you want to set across to the receiver, is the core of the letter. A good letter will not only get the business done but also promote good will. Thus, it should be carefully planned and messages should be stated and arranged logically.It is best, even for a short letter, to divide the body into at least two or three paragraphs, confining each paragraph to one topic. This step makes your text easier to read and presents your message more clearly. A typical plan for a three- paragraph letter would look like the following:Paragraph one- Begin with information that catches the reader’s attention and refer to some need or interest of the reader, or refer to the previous correspondence if there is one. Put “you” into the letter. Paragraph two —— Bring in your involvement, or what service or information you have to offer. Put “you and I” into the letter. Paragraph three —— End the body of the letter with the action or idea that you want the reader to consider or with the results you would like to have.








《外贸英语函电》 (第二版)依据国际贸易通行惯例,就商务书信格式、商务关系的建立、询价与回复、报盘与还盘、促销、订购与确认、包装、运输、付款方式、保险、代理、投诉与处理、电子信函以及贸易形式等14个方面进行商务英语信函应用能力的讲述。修订后的教材体例安排新颖,语言简洁规范,通过大量的技能训练把基础英语技能和外贸英语知识有机地结合起来,使学生具备较强的撰写国际商务英语书信的能力,实用性、针对性更强。



unit one layout of business letters specimen letters vocabulary phrases and expressions notes related words and phrases reference expressions words and phrases power development exercises unit two establishing business relations specimen letters vocabulary phrases and expressions notes related words and phrases reference expressions words and phrases power development exercises unit three enquiries and replies specimen letters vocabulary phrases and expressions notes related words and phrases reference expressions words and phrases power development exercises unit four offers and counter-offers specimen letters vocabulary phrases and expressions notes related words and phrases reference expressions words and phrases power development exercises unit five sales promotion specimen letters vocabulary phrases and expressions notes related words and phrases reference expressions words and phrases power development exercises unit six orders and acknowledgements specimen letters vocabulary phrases and expressions notes related words and phrases reference expressions words and phrases power development exercises unit seven packing specimen letters vocabulary phrases and expressions notes related words and phrases reference expressions words and phrases power development exercises unit eight transportation specimen letters vocabulary phrases and expressions notes related words and phrases reference expressions words and phrases power development exercises unit nine terms of payment specimen letters vocabulary phrases and expressions notes related words and phrases reference expressions words and phrases power development exercises unit ten insurance specimen letters vocabulary phrases and expressions notes related words and phrases reference expressions words and phrases power development exercises unit eleven agencies specimen letters vocabulary phrases and expressions notes related words and phrases reference expressions words and phrases power development exercises unit twelve complaints and adjustments specimen letters vocabulary phrases and expressions notes related words and phrases reference expressions words and phrases power development exercisesunit thirteen electronic correspondence specimen telex specimen fax specimen e-mail vocabulary phrases and expressions notes related words and phrases reference expressions words and phrases power development exercisesunit fourteen forms of trade specimen letters vocabulary phrases and expressions notes related words and phrases reference expressions words and phrases power development exercises appendix 1. glossary 2. phrases and expressions 3. notes 4. related words and phrases 5. key to exercises reference books










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